When will you admit it?

When will you admit it?

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I'll admit it once you all admit Paul is dead.

Days >>>> Hey Jude

Ages ago. How is this a controversial thing?


>The Beatles is ranked number 1 in the overall artist rankings with a total rank score of 569,992.

>The Kinks is ranked number 71 in the overall artist rankings with a total rank score of 34,328.

also, inb4 the fact that

When you fuck your mom and enjoy it.

Unfortunately people think the kinks are only "you really got me" & "lola"

I don't even know those guys on the left. How are they supposed to be better than The Beatles?

Didn't spend their first 3 years as a bit band

I love both but I love the Beatles more. That said, Waterloo Sunset is as good as anything the Beatles ever put out.


strawberry fields forever is better than anything the kinks put out

delete this

i agree


Who is this Tonetta? Is he a meme?

When Ray Davies finally writes a song that's half as good as A Day In the Life.

The Kinks? Fuck no. The Who, maybe. The Beach Boys definitely, if you want to go outside of Britain.

Why does this beef exist when we all know about Cream?


When they make the fuckin' White Album.

This was directed towards OP, my bad

I think Ray's a better songwriter than either John and Paul. He was on the same level as Lennon-McCartney combined.

George Martin is what really tips the scale to The Beatles. The Kinks' 60s albums sound awful. If Davies has a George Martin to engineer his songs, The Kinks would probably trump The Beatles.

Anyhow, favorite Kinks songs?


The kinks are good but you can't listen to a whole kinks album. You have to wade through a lot of weird, meh tier, bullshit to find the hidden gems. With the Beatles every one of their songs is 10/10 despite some of the filler from their early albums. And even on every one of those early albums there's like 5 really good songs at least.

Maybe when I get around to investigating the Kinks. But that could be a while from now, because at a glance I like their sound less than The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, The Small Faces, The Byrds, or The Beach Boys.
The Fall did a great version of Victoria, though: youtube.com/watch?v=i4VdcMXVO_g

The Who > The Beatles

every kinks song is a ringo and paul vaudeville tone