What are some other examples of music as we know it being taken to new heights, Sup Forums/?
What are some other examples of music as we know it being taken to new heights, Sup Forums/?
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not pic related I'm guessing
Haven't heard anything that sounds quite like it, which is a shame, because I'd love to hear more stuff like it.
I absolutely hate that fucking cover. Never checked the album out because of it.
this album was much too over the place it had a few decent tracks though
yes, pic related.
Every track was fantastic except for Tathagātagarbha.
I love ae but they didn't really push any boundaries with that one.
are you stupid?
yeah maybe with the "format" (or lack thereof) but the music isn't anything new for them or even in general. still a very strong release imo.
>got subliminally enlightened
>didn't even know it
Liturgy, Deafheaven, Deathspell Omega, and Vektor
arca - &&&&&
oneohtrix point never - returnal
Really dude? This is what you pick as taking music to new heights? More like new lows.
Probably the Metamorphosen by Richard Strauss conducted by Karajan or the Repons for the maundy thursday by Gesualdo
Elseq had a few good tracks but was mediocre as a whole. More an extention of Exai than anything.
you're funny man
It's Exai done right, actually.
everyone fuckin thought guitar music died with Women, but this is like the progressive/mathy phoenix which rose from their ashes (viet cong are lacklustre and cindy lee was enjoyable but nothing massively new)
this. it was exai properly fucked up and folded. way more successful at re-contextualization.
Not even the format. It's not the first entirely digital album. Hell, ae already dabbled in digital-only with quadrange. It sounds way too similar to exai. I can hear bits that are straight out of their live show for the last album. Feed1 sounds like a remix of tac Lacora. I'm glad they didn't waste a physical release on it. Need to clear out MAX and start fresh for a more distinct sound.
literally just justin timberlake for pretentious art students
Sinfonia Eroica
Anything these 4 has made is in their own league
Sup Forums has yet to show me an album thats better than the redeemer or black metal or r+7
i think you're being a bit reductive. autechre have definitely leaned out their sound in recent years wrt texture/timbre, but the processes and the way these tracks evolve are v different from exai.
>It's not the first entirely digital album
but its not an 'album' in any strict sense either, more like a gigantic binder of electric sheep which you can sift through looking for all sorts of specific textures, patterns or various other elements. Its like the gift that keeps on giving imo
>dean blunt
>on par with ferraro or lopatin
you're fucking hilarious m8
>Sup Forums has yet to show me an album thats better than the redeemer or black metal
I'm waiting bb
I bet you've never even heard his Hype Williams shit or seen those live shows. And seeing how the 3 of those artist's lean heavily on concept, Babyfather was way more conceptually cogent than either GoD or HS3.
>I bet you've never even heard his Hype Williams shit or seen those live shows
I have, stop being presumptuous about your 'secret club'. we're talking about his dean blunt releases here, and besides, his hype williams stuff is nothing new when you consider Ferraro has been in the game for a hell of a lot longer.
>And seeing how the 3 of those artist's lean heavily on concept, Babyfather was way more conceptually cogent than either GoD or HS3.
heavy conceptual reliance does not excuse poor songwriting. I like The Redeemer and Babyfather, but Black Metal just felt lacklustre.
m8 I'm still waiting on you show me an bttr album then redeemer or black metal
I'm here for good music now show me
>give me an album just so I can shit all over what you like
I ain't spoonfeeding your sorry ass. you sound like a very sad sap begging for me to throw you a bone
This one too
Shit, just saw the filename
No I'm open minded but it seems like you have nothing :(
dw I've been asking for two years now it's expected
HS3 was pretty good tho Arca's new mixtape is thing i've heard all yr
oh my god you are such a meme
do you really only listen to the "frontiers"? are these the sort of people who post in those threads?
Of course you'll change the subject after having no better albums to sure
didn't mean to snap friendo, try this out - its free to download :)
This is really good thx
But about half of Babyfather was just post-ironic grime wankery, stealing lyrics and references.
The other half where he actually tried with the music was really nice though.
Perhaps. I guess I'm showing my age a bit. Though I'm not as old as those lads so what's my excuse? Still, I suppose I'm simply not fond of where their sound is right now.
I get that. I keep telling myself I'm free to pick the bits I like and discard the rest. They even did us a supreme solid and sold it in chunks. However I only ended up with four tracks I truly wanted to keep around. In that, I was a bit disappointed.
Add Krallice to that list and we're in business.