About to be tripping face in an hour. I usually peak at about an hour and a half mark

About to be tripping face in an hour. I usually peak at about an hour and a half mark.

Im a benzo addict and know the only way for me to escape that is through (making) music and writing (I used to enjoy writing and excelled at it my senior year of high school)

Currently listening to avalanches - wildflower and feeling high.

Just keep this thread on tab incase I need advice ok please?

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>Im a benzo addict
if you mix that with an opioid its at least a 50% chance of death

good luck user, sending good vibes

I've done it pleanty, probably on top of alcohol a few times. You know your limit and if you care whether you live or die you aren't going to OD. At least that's the way i feel.

>I've done it pleanty
mixing benzos with opioids? Its purported that up to 95% of non-intravenous opioid overdoses were the result of mixing with benzos.

big news since Prince and stuff. Zero personal experience here.

I've IV'd heroin in the past and have been on at least .5-1mg of xanax of klonopin at the same time always but I may have had a benzo tolerance. It's all relative honestly .

Kek I put on SJ by Anco and now I'm peaking.

thats because a lot of people dont understand the respiratory depressant effect from benzos and opiates combined is a lot higher than it is taking them seperately and dont realize that you have to use a good amount less of each than youd use seperately.

im also willing to bet a large chunk of that is also intentional and they were committing suicide that way because its a tried and true method

>You know your limit

this, all you have to do is start slow and not just recklessly eat pills


ty bb

plz stop ithink km having a bad trip

im kekking

its all good dude

being on Sup Forums will sometimes induce bad trips for me, i don't know why. something about it will give me deja vu like i've seen all the posts before and it starts making me freak out

but also bad trips are still kinda fun to a certain extent in their own weird fucked up way so whatever

I cant have a bad trip im too aware of shit I feel like I'm always carrying a burden

'bad trips' are just anxiety/fear escalated by the drug. im alone and there's no anxiety.

im gonna go smoke a cigarette if anyone wants to post some music that'd be what's up

ordinarily i wouldnt do this (like, just self promo on a post where it doesnt belong) but i just put this on bandcamp and id love to know how at least the first track or two strikes you on the drugs cause they are very intentionally "trippy"


I'll definitely give that a listen when I get back inside with my sony mdr whatevers but ya stay tuned

right on


ur ok OP

You only have to forgot your limit one time mate

The droning isn't for me right now so i stopped the 2nd track but I really enjoyed the first track, field recordings mixing etc. I thought it was good. It was trippy i suppose but I just enjoyed the overall mix

gee thanks

is hating urself ok? is it wrong? im asking you cuz idk

Addiction distorts your perception of your limits, but I generally agree with you. If you're educated and not a complete dumbass you're probably not going to unintentionally overdose.

Best of luck getting over benzodiazepines though dude, in the middle of trying to kick opioids and my life is basically 100% body aches and sleepless nights and shitting at the moment.

ill take it, cheers

>in the middle of trying to kick opioids and my life is basically 100% body aches and sleepless nights and shitting at the moment.
damn, do you smoke pot? seems like ii would help but I dunno

kek are u srs kid pot??

well I have literally zero experience with narcotics so yeah I was. I know it helps me to cut back on alcohol but thats about it.

Wait, what are you tripping on? You can't really trip on Benzodiazepine can you?

lsd and ya

i just got done listening to pendericki - kosmogonia, fuck

trip ends with me taking 3mg klonopin and

im terrified to create

Why the fuck would you opiods in the first place didn't smoking some good indica give you enough? Like shit you heard all the people telling you how bad the shit was and you still did it so that's your fault

Shit, that'd be a hell of a thing

>m a benzo addict and know the only way for me to escape that is through (making) music and writing (I used to enjoy writing and excelled at it my senior year of high school)
Your music music must be awful if you need drugs to make it.

It was wonderful. I wanted to expand my horizons to avant classical or free jazz and was a fan of Penderecki but I've never heard that one.

Because nothing beats an opiate high. It's the best thing on the planet.

listen to this op

Had to skip through cause I don't have time atm for a 10+ min track. Ok bye bye was the best, I liked the synth sounds with the shortwave droning. I think this would sound cool infront of a small crowd in a dark basement

Maybe use more harmonic theory behind the composition to add some flavor

Don't write a long winded explanation like you did. It made you seem unsure and I think if you left it blank it would leave more to my imagination when listening to the tracks.

don't have time? you're trippin, dawg. all you have is time