What is most important, lyrics, sound, or talent?
What is most important, lyrics, sound, or talent?
feel and sound
All three AKA THE golden package AKA DJ AARON ELLIS 디째 아린 아릿스
what the other people on the internet think
A mixture of sound and talent. Lyrics are obviously important too, but you can enjoy a song while not even understanding what it says if it sounds great.
what's wrong with the bottom of your glass
why does it look like the bottom of a soft drink bottle
its hideous
If you have talent, actual talent, then you'll have sound and lyrics too.
As a metal fan, sound is the only one that matters
clearly you do not keep up with current drinking glass trends
IDK it's some random jack daniel galls (not drinking JD tho )
ellis when are you releasing new beats
Someone puto one of my songs on.YouTube that I haven't released yet
Have another song just need to finish mixing
where did u learn korean so quick
As a metal fan I disagree and believe talent is first priority
Sound. There is literally nothing more important. If you say anything else you are a dumb fuck.
>Likes mainstream modern music
Good stuff friends. Keep it up!
Your Aesthetic sense. For example, I would totally hate on a signature house bass sequence, but love the same riff played on a real bass.....your closeness towards what you create is the main factor.