I've obviously seen this album mentioned hundreds of times on here, so decided to check it out...do people on here genuinely like this album, or is it a running joke? It's dreadful. Am I missing something?
Is this a joke?
It's just a meme, making fun of teenage girls who worship those faggots like the second coming of Jesus
You don't get them it's too deep for you plebs :^)
it has some decent hooks and they play with a good handful of styles but that's all it has going for it
try listening to it again, it's admittedly one of the more challenging Sup Forumscore albums, but it's definitely worth it once it clicks
Are you fucking serious. Its a meme you faggot. How could you not realize it. You should re-evaluate your life. Let me explain it to you. its a MEME. You should get off your computer and consider suicide.
You seem nice, shall we go for a pint?
This album is the ultimate pleb filter. If you are unable to like this album, you probably are not experienced enough with music theory and appreciation or just inherently pleb
>it's a meme you dip
it took me like 10 listens before i could appreciate it
One of the only mainstream pop albums with a message. Insecure teenagers on this board have convinced themselves that it's a meme because they don't understand what's so refreshing about TOP's music yet they think bastardizations of folk music by mediocre musicians like sufjan Stevens and fleet foxes are great.
They're so deluded they'll convince themselves that my post is "bait" so that they can brush it off and sleep better at night because of the bubble they live in.
It's a meme in the sense it will be relevant for a couple of months then will die off. Sadly this has long lived it's expiry date
It's sadly not a meme, but Sup Forums is mostly teenagers so it makes sense.
They're deep af tho, lad. /They mix rap with emo and punk and pop, and the lyrics are basically poetry but like more heartfelt. Josh Dunn is my daddy
Lol what do you listen to?
>sufjan stevens and fleet foxes
>'bastard' folk
you're probably thinking of mumford and sons, if you think the multi-instrumentalist sufjan or the fleet fox harmonies show them to be 'mediocre musicians' I don't think you understand what discernable talent is.
what's its message then? saying it has A message doesn't make it a GOOD message, nor a good album, nor TOP good musicians. This post has to be bait, it uses too many nondescript buzzwords like 'refreshing' or 'message' to take seriously
>I wish I found some better sounds no one's ever heard,
>I wish I had a better voice that sang some better words,
>I wish I found some chords in an order that is new,
>I wish I didn't have to rhyme every time I sang
Ah I think I've realised why this album is popular here. It's because they sing about being totally uninspired, derivative and bad musicians and that really resonates with the smell of failure enveloping this board.
Clearly your a female or gay so your opinion is invalid, but look at Korn or limp bizkit mixing those 2 isn't kewl or hip shit is cringy as fuck like their fans
>not experienced with music theory
fucking kek
I like them. They are probably the only hip-hop i listen to.
Some of their songs sound like really really cool, and some lyrics are pretty okay too.
It's a solid pop album that is catchy from start to finish that can be enjoyed by anyone unless you're a edgy cynical dickhead teenager like most of the fuckwits on this website.
nearly every pop song ever made has some sort of a message, c'mon senpai
>saying it has A message doesn't make it a GOOD message
we have a winner, this is why most pop music is terrible.