I just want 2012 comfy non meme fantano back
I just want 2012 comfy non meme fantano back
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2012 is gone forever.
memes are here to stay
yeah I've completely stopped watching him now
I love his money store review so much. Ultra comfy
2012 Sup Forums was goat Sup Forums debates encouraged
Time comes and goes. You have to accept change, my friend. We have lost a good man. R.I.P. Antnee.
i really used to like watching his reviews but he became unbearable in the past months. he also can take zero criticism, he gets triggered by every negative comment he gets.
how could 2012 have been goat if i wasn't here?
I have noticed that. Every response is either KYS or suck my dick
I have noticed that Cal is really in the big reviews. Kinda makes me sad that cal is going to move out
Really? Where?
i don't have a notepad where i save everytime he reacts childish to criticism. but i have seen it more than just a few times.
Yeah, I don't mean to bring up Reddit but do you remember what happened in his subreddit? He did an a podcast with Sargon of Akkad and basically couldn't take any of the criticisms on his subreddit. I think he deleted some of his comments.
>yeah, he does know what it is. the concept isn't that hard to wrap your head around. a high school history student could grasp it. the issue is classic liberalism does need to be looked up because when you use the term "liberal" people assume you're talking about the a modern connotation associated with leftist politics. hence, i suggested looking the term up. don't be dense.
2012 was the last year i had friends and no mental illness
kill me now Sup Forums
Get off Sup Forums right now and get some help.
>no more comfy blog.tv live streams
>no more amusing Cal skits
>no more tree
>he's unlisted all of his old videos on his thatistheplan channel
fuck the memethony memetano era
>no more tree
i remember him seriously insulting a commenter in that subreddit who wrote a completely normal, constructive criticism. i don't fucking mind him having different views on things, of course not, but they way he acts when he gets challanged for his views is childish and i lost a huge amount of respect from him that day. hes a crybaby, loves to talk about feminists getting triggered but himself gets triggered way easier than any feminist. and sometimes he just hides behind memes when someone critizes him (basically covering his ears and singing).
Yeah, he is promoting that channel because he wants more revenue. This could be blasphemy, but I think he is sort of having a crisis. He knows he cannot do YouTube forever so he wants to get a lot more money to stash away. Why else would he keep living in that shitty CT house? He's going to get a Latin American bank account soon.
This seems to be a pattern with people who garner internet "fame". Having an audience that constantly jerks you off and tells you how great you are all the time can go to your head pretty quickly.
I'm the same, I just don't find them interesting anymore. maybe I'm just looking back wise rose tinted glasses but he definitely was better back then now it's just as if he's only trying to appeal to that filthy frank Sup Forums type crowd, which I mean is probably from his point of view the better choice due to the increased viewership figures. still put me off anyway.
the comment section is fucking disgusting now too. i mean, i know it's youtube but the comments used to have some level of discussion.
He is a Sup Forumstant at heart.
i guess you're right. Look at all the comments in his recent videos, just absolute garbage all around
Does anybody have the old 2009 videos? I really want to see the Fever Ray review.
its funny how he is just ripping off the style of all of his favorite youtubers on this channel. clothing (beanie, sunglasses) like h3h3, obnoxious style over-the-top like filthy frank, filled with memes like frankjavcee. sometimes he needs to include his politics he learned from sargon in a blatant way. theres nothing creative on that channel. stale memes like loud airhorns, shitty cgi effects, already old ironic-memes.
ive been noticing this everywhere. Im honestly getting worried about the "meme culture", and how much shit it infects
>look in his latest review
>it's just a bunch of people asking for a schoolboy q review
His hip hop fanbase is so bad
Why is the hip hop fanbase so bad? I watch Dead End and it is just faggot this faggot that. It is kinda insane.
I've always wanted to see his HooM video or the pains of being pure at heart video from back in the day
He game HooM a 8/10. So I really want to watch it. He prob deleted all those reviews.
he seriously says shit like KYS? Hahahah isnt this guy like in his 30s?
checked his twitter and one of the first jokes was the drinking bleach joke. later he retweeted an amazing atheist video titled "QUESTIONS WHITE MEN HAVE FOR SJWs" where he was actually included with a question. fucking lmao. hes became such a caricature of himself.
hahaha omg lol suicide is so funny xD
>gave giles corey an 8/10
I'm not sure if he actually says that; OP would know. However, his responses are so trivial and just deflects the original criticism. The quality of the response and his tone is essentially = KYS/Suck my dick
>the pains of being pure at heart video
that one was ultra comfy, I miss the 2009 videos ;_;
Yes I have seen him say KYS, drink bleach etc... Plus he is part of the alt right crowd so I just don't enjoy him anymore
>not photo shopping the slav fantano meme in the top right
>having friends
Nice shit taste in social relationships you got there, pleb
Wow, he reminds me of Kozelek. Koz makes a beautiful song like "I Can't Live Without My Mother's Love" and then turns around and says something despicable. Fantano makes a heartfelt review and makes endearing comments on life and the importance of music and then turns around and tells someone to kill themselves.
Same, I really cannot stand those types of people.
negativity on point
Wow, I've never seen these before. What a fat fuck.
Watching his videos on thatistheplan I sort of genuinely was taken aback and felt embarrassed over how little comedic talent the guy has. He's good at being moderately funny when it comes to the editing of the videos on his main channel, he's not a wholly unfunny guy. But all of these people he's imitating/channeling in his new meme era type videos, genuinely is awkward to watch and in no good way. Like, he just lacks the comedic chaps.
His politics fucking sucks too, he seems to steer closer and closer to the alt-right side and becoming obsessed with the SJW boogeymen. I swear the alt-right warriors are the next plague and 3 years from now I would not be surprised in the slightest if Anthony is incredibly embarrassed at his involvement in that zeitgeist movement. They're so blindsightened they haven't even realized they're doing the exact same thing their nearest cousin SJWs are doing, endlessly looking for things to be offended about.
ARW are the new cancer. Reply to me with le masked SJW image, don't give a shit, sjw's presence is not felt nearly enough in the circles of sites I browse online, fucking not even on reddit. ARWs are turning into the biggest circlejerk and I figure it can't be very long until it is no longer the cool thing to be part of.
tfw summer 2014 s4s fantano is never coming back
the hell user, are you channeling my thoughts?
Lol, I wish I could reply to any of this but you pretty much said it all.
Anthony a really bizzare case tho, he's a Bernie sanders supporting, meat-hating vegan liberal yet he acts like a fucking Alt-Right manchild.
He always talks about how much he loved punk rock when he was young. I knew that but I didn't think he would be a total mohawk fag biting his arm.
I think he's just doing it for the views, it is his main source of income after all. That demographic is massive right now, he's just cashing in on it. Not to say I like it though.
Took the words right out of my mouth user, the people who get offended all the time are the alt-right
You know what they say. You either die a hero or live to become the villain
Not that the alt right were ever really heroes but the point still stands
its weird how massive it is on the internet, but i have never seen or met an alt-right person yet.
I would think they're just generally angry and bitter teenagers
what the fuck is wrong with him, this is so unfunny
Because they're indoors on the internet.
I did, he slowly got more into politics until being a Trump supporter was all people knew him for. Being around anyone that into politics is shitty. I mean, it works the other way around, like how I made a joke mentioning ivory once around a girl and she snapped. I miss that old semi-rule on the internet where politics is the last thing you try to discuss seriously.
It's pretty obvious to me that it's rooted in his insecurities about being overweight his entire life. He lost weight but he still hasn't lost the amount he needs.
Throwing criticisms at others while you never face your own. It's comforting to those types of people.
many people have confusing political views. a friend of mine sais he will either vote for jill stein or for gary johnson. it doesn't make much sense.
Have you been on Facebook?
So many trips in this thread. Uh most alt righters just make shitty side jabs if you bring up any kind of left ideas. You can instantly spot them if you start talking about politics. Just mention "Marx" and get ready for the flood gates to open up
No, I don't use social media. I just hate all the hyper-political-activity you see on the chans nowadays.
Fuck I didn't realize he delisted all the old videos...Do you have any of it archived?
If so, that's quite sad actually. A 30 year old man making ebin random XD videos about SJW's is one of the saddest, weirdest things I've ever seen
I'm not going to vote, so fuck all of these candidates. It's like choosing which song from Cudi's Speedin' Bullet to listen to for the next 4 years.
This was for this
Most safe space programs at unis run on such small budgets anyways. Most have good counselors and advisors that are payed to get you through times. The one at my uni just runs on a budge of $20,000 which is so small in the wide budget of a uni.
Sup Forums is social media
I love the new /his/ board. Great place for discussion.
No it's not, they'll deny it vehemently because they don't want to admit they are even more hooked on social media as soccer/facebook moms.
it's social, and you share media. it's an imageboard. where you go to talk and share images. social and media. what do you not get?
where's that photo of him with a mohawk wearing a white shirt with a grumpy look on his face, I know I've seen it but I can't find it
Fuck off.
Maybe it's just me, but the anonymity automatically makes it nonsocial to me.
So if you go into a room full of people and you talk to them. However, you don't know their name, where they live, how they actually think, how old they are, any of their physical features, and you haven't even heard their fucking voice. Have you actually been social? No you haven't. Sup Forums is not a social media site. It is a image board. Full of spergs like you
most people on here with a facebook have probably not seen any of their "friends" in years, so what difference does it make?
anthony's channel has become a billy mays commercial
Because they have met them irl and have been social with them. Socializing isn't just responding to each other of the internet. Most conversations over text usually end with another event which the two or multiple people will meet again. Also, if you think that talking to a person on the internet by images and text is true socializing. Your bar is pretty low son
user, you do understand the point of this site right?
i have an ok social life with a couple close friends, but i consider my interaction with anons at the same level of importance -- this website is shaping a lot about i am to be honest
how is it anonymous at all if our ip's are logged with every post
Because I don't know who anyone here is, and I couldn't find out if I wanted to.
> I couldn't find out if I wanted to.
yes you can
The sad thing about the internet age is that a lot of my memories were made with people that I might not ever see again. Like watching ratioulie with /ck/ on new years eve or the Death Grips release. Kinda sad that I won't ever see them again. However, I believe that those anons that I did interact with. Had the same great experience and will cry when this website gets shutdown.
We all do.
>implying you have to be buttblasted about suicide in order to like suicidal music
this thread is actually comforting. i know i should expect Sup Forums of all boards to lean to the left but i'm still surprised to find anything like and people agreeing with it anywhere on Sup Forums. Sup Forums is usually just edgy by default which i can deal with but lately shit has been getting out of hand. nice to see some sense on here for a change.
too bad Sup Forums has been shit since years ago though
>suicidal music
wtf, is this a genre?
Anthony Fantano here, all of you all can suck my dick
2009 was comfy \mu\ for me.