What if our taste in music means nothing?

What if our taste in music means nothing?

it doesnt

All personalities are is a list of likes and dislikes



The soundtrack to Dune was the best music ever produced by man



Did you honestly think it did. Its
Like being proud of liking mayo, because some people dont



Mayo and music are two completely different things. One is this the literal worst thing come from the human mind and the other is a condiment

>implying mayo isn't the worse thing to come from the human mind

It does, but it doesn't.


I wish I had similar taste to some reviewer. It would make things so much easier.



I have to disagree with that. It probably doesn't have any meaning on a good/bad scale, but considering taste generally changes as people age, music taste probably does imply a degree of life experience

This may be one of the most intelligent posts tonight

nigga it's 11am


I have a feeling this is bait, but whatever.

If you reduce people down to "on" and "off" neurons sure, but the human brain is far more complex than "likes" and "dislikes", concepts, ideas and other brain functions exist too that have little to do with our dopamine addictions.
You can say we're centerered around them sure, but not that we are only them.

>You can say we're centerered around them sure, but not that we are only them.
god i hate you
>we cant just be on and off if we are on and off and have *insert anything on/in your body here*


its 21 right no where i am

Nothing has any meaning except that which you ascribe to it yourself.



You mean 9