Define your thoughts on this album in 3 words or less

>define your thoughts on this album in 3 words or less.

es bretty good

never heard it

U2 with violins

Neon Bible > Funeral

fyi everything post neon bible is trash

except Sprawl II is their best track

indie perfection

best indie album


Overrated Hipster Garbage

agree with first part of that disagree with second


that's subjective
what's wrong with hipsters?
subjective opinion

Deserves its praise

ma nigga

let me get real for a minute. funeral came out while i was in middle school, and i dont know about anywhere else but i know it got radio play here and that shit changed me man. i grew a few inches and hopped online and b4 u could give me a group chant i had already moved on to aids wolf cuz they had an edgier name...

worse than successor

I like it.

>define your thoughts

try speaking English, you fucking mouthbreather

neutered milk hotel

I like it

Worse than Suburbs

or alternatively

The Suburbs > Funeral

4 great songs

takes itself seriously

epochal mindie gateway

Not a fan

great debut album

>people who think any arcade fire album that's not funeral is their best

good but overrated

good but dated

Never heard it

2004 turbo meh

good not great

i personally love reflektor

would rather not

not my thing.

Best closer ever

Couple good tracks

Not listened yet.

Sorry guys D:

can't even remember

sure, its ok

worth one listen

and...if the