>goes to Sup Forums once

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't know m8
looks like a solid list

yeah you probably posted it faggot

>no metal
>no jazz
>no hip-hop other than Kanye
>Sup Forumscore albums and memes

>no folk
>no funk
>no soul
>no ''''world'''' music
>no bleeps

God please

In Uetero is best album indeed

>Someone unironically used Song 2, What
I Heard, and early Beach Boys as examples of good music

Delete this post, this must be what being triggered feels like.


>Triple J

Cringed before even opening the video senpai

I couldn't even finish the video man, I usually don't care about bad covers but this really takes the piss

>implying hop-hop is music


I still don't get why people think Closer is a classic while totally neglecting Unknown Pleasures. Is it because the latter is now on a million shirts or something?

>lil wayne's message is 'have fun kids'
>21 pilots message is 'be edgy and act depressed kids'

>no metal
>no good hip hop besides bdtf
ishygddt senpai

>Someone unironically used I Get Around as an example of bad music

Delete this post, this must be what being triggered feels like.

Closer is the contrarian opinion. Unknown Pleasures might be hella popular but that doesn't mean it's a bad album. Saying Closer is better than Unknown Pleasures is like saying The Division Bell by Pink Floyd is better then Dark Side Of The Moon.

Oh look, babby pleb just discovered Joy Division for the first time

>promotes self awareness

Fuck this is just sad man

No it's more like saying Wish You Were Here is better than Dark Side of the Moon, they're still both considered classic albums . The Division Bell is trash.

>no metal
But that's a good thing.

that like exactly my favorite albums in 9th grade except Kanye what the heck

I'm kind of surprised and upset that he got my actual GOAT album on that list.

>No bob dylan

Also this was posted on a hopsin song.


>thinking lyrics are important
Ah, to be a kid again

Found this on a Burzum video

Post a worse RYM profile

jerdk, skeg

>it's an "the best albums of all time are all British or American" episode

skip to 2.49 for cringe

It goes from 10 to 100 in 2 sentences.
Forgot all about this second half of the video.

the fuck? when i type this guy into the url bar it redirects to unicron

all comments on burzum videos are cringe, it's the meeting point of racist metalheads

>yeezus and not TLOP



>implying I Get Around isn't the pinnacle of pop songwriting

What's your song?


>actually disliking neutral milk hotel
Hello contrarian

who's this semen demon?

>Dance, Dance
>Not even The Carpal Tunnel of Love

>This Ain't A Scene, It's An Arms Race

>pushes play

I Get Around is fucking GOAT pop craftmanship and All Summer Long is their first great album and a sign of how rapidly they were evolving

i dunno man it's pretty bad from the start desu

The fucking comments on this video

>No Kid A



Check those
seven Seven SEVEN

When will this meme die?

>hip hop

holy shit neo moo

did no one tell her that music started in 1910?

that was so underwhelming

Someone sent me this shit before because they knew I have OCD. It's pretty cringy but what does it really have to do with music?

fuck this is the worst

LMAOOO he looks like a FTP model

patrician curve desu

old Sup Forums liked metal you asshat

>browsing this thread
>Listening to Da Zeuhl Ẁortz Mekanïk by Magma
>Dad comes in to my room
>"That's an absoloubte row user"
>Suddenly forget I'm not on Sup Forums
>Call him pleb and tell him to get taste
>He gets mad and walks off

I cringed pretty hard at myself and also at my dad for having shit taste

hello summerfag

glad we're on the same page lads! what's your fav Beach Boys record?

>most dadrock pink floyd albums
>surfer rosa and not doolittle or come on pilgrim
>captain beefheart




