ITT: Albums with ZERO bad songs

ITT: Albums with ZERO bad songs

guys eyes is shit

10/10 album

no more runnin?


that's one of the best songs

definitely not bad, maybe as a standalone but in the context of the album it's great

you first

Lion in a Coma is bad, Guys Eyes is bad, No More Running is bad

top pleb
it's not good, and in context it still doesn't work. a slower song was needed there, but it shouldn't have been a mediocre one like No More Runnin
you could say it's like the anti-In The Flowers

It's got zero good songs too

lmao why did they make their album cover a gif

so stupid

prove me wrong



think the problem is that it's just way too long


i dont like that album though, what do i do now?


I can kinda see that, but if they made it too much shorter it would've felt like it wasn't enough of a break before Brother Sport
and honestly, there's nothing special about it as a song anyway, I couldn't even tell you what parts I'd cut. it's just kinda bland.


>Lion in a Coma
>No More Runnin

>never had one ever




cheers for the reminder lads gonna go grab an orange

lol @ ppl itt trying to convince themselves that mpp isn't full on bullshit

lol @ ppl itt trying to convince themselves that mpp is full on bullshit

Kill yourself
Lion in a coma deffinetly trash, guys eyes one of the best, and no more runnin is better than brother sport Lion in a coma is trash kill yourself


that is almost the worst opinion possible




Mostly everyone on Sup Forums and people that don't have shit taste in general agree lion in a coma isn't just unanimously the worst song on the album it's also just a terrible song on its own







i swear if someone fucking mentions daffy duck or bees or flesh canoe im gonna scream

they arent that bad




Any Sloan album is flawless, but that one's probably the best of them
Get this meme shit outta here

Dope. Like this way more than the official artwork.


Top kek

I love bees so much, it was one of the highlights when I saw them live.

Look who's talking about meme shit fajit

Here comes the true AnCo album with no bad songs.

>Meme shit
Drink bleach while listening to Linkin Park, because it's clear your an edgy 14 year old.


got your axes mixed upped

Don't tell me how to live my life.

eat your vegetables

Talk about edgy 14 year olds...

too soon kinda sucks

It is the weakest 10 on the album, yes.

daffy duck, bees, and flesh canoe all suck ass


daft punk discovery
any aesop rock album
outkast stankonia


All desu

Maybe Learn How is slightly weaker than the rest of the songs on Vs, but it's golden otherwise.

>posts album with bad songs