Albums you pretend to like

What are some albums you only pretend to like to fit in/look cool/get the girl/etc.?

Pic related

I genuinely like and enjoy this album 8/10

dark side of the moon

none, because I'm not an idiot


Also, I don't do this but I imagine anything by the smiths fits under this

correct answer

Every album in my library tbqh.

The smiths are seen as cool?

Yeah by old people

Where I'm from they're the band to like if you want to be seen as cool


If anyone actually does this then I can only pray something lifts them out of the terrible pit of exhausting embarrassment that is their life.

Where u live

This, but I actually ended up kinda liking it. All the other arcmonk stuff is shit tho

It's not necessarily bad but it gets pretty boring after a few songs because they all sound the same. But chicks dig it and it's nice to listen when you're high

says the tripfag

a lot of mu users are holding out, a lot of death grips should be seen here

I don't know a single qt who doesn't like The Smiths
but they're actually a good band so whatever
I'm glad I haven't done this since I was like 15

>those digits


Don't cut yourself on that edge boi..

now this is a sad thread


>implying that girls listen to albums.

Top 40.

This. Maybe I haven't met any cool girls myself, but most just listen to whatever's on the radio, favorite artists are likely to be are drake/beyonce/rihanna

Women don't give a fuck about "taste" they just want to feel good - if your taste makes them feel good then use it

If they listen to Beach House then you can say you're into it and it adds some emotional depth and vibes that can be positive

What really matters is just knowing what the fuck you're doing in general or else you're gonna be fucked and she's not going to think you're alpha and worth her time

She has to have the illusion - or reality - that you're one of the "alpha" men on some level

Which you can create or live in many different ways, it's up to you

But christ, making women the center of your world sounds so horrible. They really are pathetically trivial creatures in general.

At the same time, you can learn so much from them... honestly it just is something I don't know how to solve, an endless mystery almost

All I know is better to be alpha than a cuck, at the same time though if you get too attached to being alpha, you lose your sense of self and your existence

It's just generally really frustrating and confusing to me with the end result being the sense that I'm literally incapable of relating to or respecting women on any level

I literally just see them as sort of like mentally handicapped children - all of them

I can't respect them

I mean these words completely and it's really upsetting and frustrating

Is this a pasta?



I like whatever music I happen to like and dislike whatever I happen to dislike

The closest thing I do to lying is if my GF recommends me a song and I don't like it I'll put it down gently.
>This is okay but the singer sounds like he is doing too much x or the music is not enough Y for the lyrics to be as Z as they are

Feels like pasta but I have a friend like you and he's basically hung up on a girl he dated forever and now, currently, they're not together. I mean this big mystery you're referring to isn't very hard to understand. We seek mates with the qualities we admire and that have the same desires/goals as us. I think that's the easiest way to condense it into a sentence.

uh im pretty bad at talking to girls. if they noticed me thats cool but i dont expect it to change anythign

Only honest reply itt



Closest thing that I do is pretend the Kim Gordon Sonic Youth songs are better than they really are.