can't we all just get along edition

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first for omg

Our guy taking his girl out.

not everyone can be pretty anons


>Red velvet, Twice and Black Pink
>tfw big 3 is saving kpop from purepop meme
fucking based

we love sorn here


Apink started the cancer

No, fuck that sea monkey


Honestly Pledis, MBK and DSP used to be so fucking good musically and now they are shit
what happened?

right two best two

>gflop ruins another picture

apink are good tho

I blame them too
shame that T-ara had that fucking scandal
if they became super successful all nugus would be doing memepop instead of purepop

I literally couldn't name a song from any of those companies


what category is twice's music?

if gfriend is purepop, and blackpink will likely be edgypop, is twice memepop?


have you ever heard about T-ara, After school or Kara?

They say colorpop

oh no... kpg forgives you.

Why are new groups usually so ugly and untalented? They didnt make em like that back then

actually i think gfriend is technically floppop

now I'm HYPED


okay rating



ugly female gooks like to watch other ugly female gooks

i fell for dr. kim's miracle so hard

Dont make me vomit

>tfw you will never stumble into a dark alley and see hv approaching you while doing the im ill chorus dance

Why even live


did they?

word miracles are the worst

this is what a miracle looks like

vomit faggot





>nan yesuriya!

Apart from oinkerz and hyorc theyre not ugly


LOL (and I don't mean the album)

Yooyoung is my waifu 2bh

no way we're the nicest posters

I've never listened to a single T-ara or non Orange Caramel After School song

seoyoung looks like a 7 these days 2bh

is this a real life?

Fuck that deadpop

she is 8/10 desu



post mimi tho

Its like you hate patrician music


Do you have the webm of her at this event. The one where she notices the fancammer.


I'm sorry but no

omo you can see her bra



Damn she's a cheeky cunt.

lol she's such a based qt

i like her too but you give out eights way too easily. i hope you're not one of those 11/10 retards

Shame 2bh. Try looking in the archive? It's very cute I promise you.

no I'm not but I gave 9/11 to umji
because she is a fucking tragedy


Chanmi has the best ass in AoA


That wasn't clever or funny.

if I wanted to I would find it on hvstudio or youtube desu


This is so true LOL

somebody actually put in the time to make this webm

poor guy

I like to go to kpopfap to look for material to jack off to too.

how drunk is hyomin atm

lol nice, did you use avisynth then?

Kinda feel sorry for them. No one gives a fuck about them anymore

lesbian sex drunk

That's worth a few hundred karma dude.

reminder that our girls are having a lewd slumber party right now

I prefer looking at her feet anyway

i do, love them with all my heart

where were sejeong and chaeyeon

if I go buy booze right now at 9am do you think hyomin will be disappointed

In my bed.

lose the twins and they'd be great


she would just feel sorry for you, because your watch is broken and it's almost 6pm

fuck off gage


it's 9:40 am, that's late enough

Youd probably meet her there also buying booze

She doesn't know you exist and even if she did she wouldn't give a fuck about you I promise you.

Where is dahye....

with their gugudan and DIA lovers obv