Never went through an eminem faze so could someone please explain to me if he is a joke rapper, a rap god...

Never went through an eminem faze so could someone please explain to me if he is a joke rapper, a rap god, or a sell out pop rapper? Some people hype him up but have you heard this shit song?

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>joke rapper, a rap god, or a sell out pop rapper
he's kind of all of those things

joke rapper who never actually sold out, interscope simply altered their product to maximize profit - better to stop annoying the soccer moms and instead make music they can play alongside their angst ridden kids

just pretend he never existed

the Slim Shady LP, Marshall Mathers LP, and The Eminem Show are good albums. Everything else ranges from mediocre to bad.

he has great flow but mediocre everything else

marshall mathers lp is only good album tbqh

He's one of my favourite artists, but I'd agree with one of the comments here in saying that The Slim Shady LP, The Marshall Mathers LP and The Eminem Show are definitley his strongest points as an artist, but I do enjoy Relapse, Recovery and his Bad Meets Evil EP although others don't but there are elements of his cornyness on every album basically he's known partly for it

>I have to go through a "phase" with an artist to know what they are

are you forgetting Infinite?


He's all of those three

you're wrong then, close though

all three. he's probably the most technically proficient rapper to ever live, that being said after 2002 he had a whole lot of nothing to say.

He kinda sucks but I still like him because of nostalgia

sorry but infinite is good, sslp is decent at best, tmmlp is fantastic, and everything else he put out was subpar and progressively got worse.. sure he had some technical skill but one of the goat? get the fuck out of here if you agree with that

>he's probably the most technically proficient rapper to ever live

things white teenagers say

not even, he was white which made white kids want to listen, and since he was a good WHITE rapper he skyrockets into legendary status.. he may have been a great lyricist and all but he was not a great songwriter..

nah man the prosody in "the way i am" is groundbreaking

he literally stole the hook from Rakim

infinite is shit

He was a great comically edgy rapper, turned shit when he started doing sappy sentimental garbage. Tried to return to his joke rapper roots, failed.

Anything he did with Dr. Dre is great and hilarious

He's an ultra obnoxious joke rapper who made some obnoxious yet catchy songs earlier in his career, then became an annoying "real life" artist would wouldn't stop airing out his dirty laundry in our face. Now he's widely recognized because that's what happens when you get enough publicity, same thing with Donald Trump.

I've been smoking OG Kush everyday since Sunday and I love hip-hop when I'm stoned. It makes me enjoy the music so much more.

Here a couple of songs I enjoy listening to as of lately.

first 2 albums are great. 3 and 4 are okay. rest are shit

Shit, nice comment no joke. Eminem actually is kind of everything people think he is at the same time.

>hip hop
>posts autotune trap shit

Simon say, shoot yourself in the face
Fuckin disgrace

>the most technically proficient rapper to ever live

nah he was good, but there have been better