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Why does she look like a chink?
Icelandic genetics
What is the captcha trying to tell me?
So which user is going to step up and piss tribute to grimes? Kek wills it
yes please
kinda clever
Sounds like BoJack
>inb4 bjork is Byork
Everything about her just reeks of sincerity and intimacy. Even this photo feels like something extremely personal that she wants to share with us.
Bjork and Ian Curtis
She has incredibly beautiful eyes, damn...
i wish bjork was my mummy, i bet then i wouldnt be a fucking wreck of a human
this is not a nice feel
I am just now realizing how fucked that baby's body looks. Is it a toy or something?
its a real toddler but i think the clothes are just square looking
>every musician has at one point in his career collaborated with Björk
so qt... unbelievable
Bjork is full of love.
>you will never pork bork
music for this feel?
is post good lads, i know the answer but i want this thread to stay alive
you would have a different probably nigger dad every three weeks though because bjork is a skank
does that matter though senpai? at the end of the day id be her big boy #1
One of her recent pictures.
I've yet to get into her work but I'd like to. Who's kind enough to recommend some material for someone not familiar with her work? I know she has a hits album I've seen on itunes, should I just give that a try? Thanks in advance, anons
Start with her last band The Sugarcubes, with the album Life's Too Good.
Much appreciated, user.
boards.Sup Forums.org/hr/thread/2656226/bjrk#top
Essential early-Bjork songs:
human behavior
venus as a boy
one day
come to me
play dead
the modern things
Bjork should collaborate with Grimes. The result could be great.
No Hyperballad? No Big Time Sensuality? No Violently Happy? No Army of Me? No Isobel? No Joga? No Hunter?
Your list is incomplete.
Also I didn't want to overdo it, that's too many songs
is it wrong for bjork to have a lot of co-producers/collaborations in her albums?
Only if these co-producers/collaborations have a big input on her music. She should learn from Grimes who does everything by herself.