Why is he "important"?

why is he "important"?
every single song has the same chords and structure, his voice is painful, the lyrics are for the most time boring

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OP is a phaggot


Check out Blonde On Blonde.

listen to his other work

Reply to this post and OP dies tonight.

OP dies with these dubs

If you're trying to figure out the historical importance of a work of art it might be smart to check out other art from that time period.

I like how no one has actually said anything good about Dylan yet.

Yeah, I like how no one's spoonfed OP too.

I like that OP could not demonstrate every Dylan song has the same chords.

the man in me is a bop though

you realize he was at his artistic peak fifty years ago when the Cold War was at its height, the US had just gotten into Vietnam, and racism was still prevalent in America right?


>every single song has the same chords


I take it you don't play an instrument.

>and racism was still prevalent in America right
Have you read the news lately

Take note of how there are virtually no rock albums that were intended to be listened to as artistic statements before the release of the electric trilogy and then suddenly there were hundreds of them by the end of the 60s.

I meant in all of America. here in the North it really has subsided.

There was literally a shooting of a black man here in Minnesota a few days ago because his tail light was out.

>major major 7th
really makes you think

>damage control

Black people are allowed to sit where ever they want on the bus now and can drink from whichever water fountains they want. Obviously not the poster you're talking to and I agree that there's plenty of blatant racism in America still but it is objectively better than it was during Dylan's time. I wouldn't be saying the same thing if we were talking about the 80s or 90s.

>but it is objectively better than it was during Dylan's time
Reminder that Sup Forums literally shot at peaceful black protesters.

The police force still is biased, but the general population isn't

And tell me, do those black protesters have a part of town it is literally illegal for them to be in?
Most white americans think racism is a thing of the past.

See You mean the suburbs?

Agreed, OP. I never got the hype either.
Paul Simon is the great American songwriter imo

Show me the bill passed by active members of the government that legalizes black americans from the suburbs.

Cause those actually existed during Dylan's time.

not true i think most white americans dont believe white privilege is real... but anybody believing racism isn't around is retarded


Sup Forums didn't shoot at peaceful protesters up here. I was fucking in St. Paul this entire past weekend. if that had happened, we'd have had martial law or some shit

Source? I only remember reading about some Youtuber who pulled a gun but got taken down by police.

Look, I agree racism still exists and is still at inexcusable heights. The fact of the matter is syphilis isn't being shot up black people's veins anymore, black women's vaginas are fucked up with so they can't have kids when they go to their doctors, anyone can go on any side of the bus, anybody can drink whatever public tap water they want. Yes, racism still exists. Yes, a black person in America statistically has a harder life than a white person in America. That being said, a black person in 2016 has a slightly easier time than a black person in 1966.


this is basically what I've been trying to say

>Sup Forums didn't shoot at peaceful protesters up here.
At the Jamar Clark protests? yes they did.
White Privilege: The Post

OP, this is a common first reaction to Dylan. Here, try and criticize the vocal performance: youtube.com/watch?v=cJpB_AEZf6U

I swear you'll finally see what the hype is all about.

>blatantly state racism still exists, it just isn't as powerful as it once was to a slight extent
>white privilege
Okay. I'm still waiting for you to post the bill. Until then or until you admit it doesn't exist there's no reason to think you're not a troll at this point.

I don't think he was ever criticizing Dylan's ability to sing

>a black person in 2016 has a slightly easier time than a black person in 1966.

I agree with your overall point, but even saying slightly is a huge understatement. It is considerably better for black people nowadays. Depending on where you live its actually possible to never immediately face racism. Of course it's still an issue but we do have a black president for christs sake. That literally would have been unthinkable in 62.

Wait what the fuck does this have to Dylan anyways.

OP you're a faggot.


>Dylan is good because he made the blacks free
literally what

I like how OP just made statements without proving them. I can do it to.

Bob Dylan has great chord progressions and his lyrics are some the most introspective and meaningful ever.

See how pointless this is?

>Okay. I'm still waiting for you to post the bill
Google: Probably Casue

No, you're in an argument. You made the claim, you post the evidence.

*probable cause

He's either a troll or a complete idiot. Stop replying.

Just did m8

His voice is great you pleb.


g2b Sup Forums

>wanting a fair, normal argument
>must be from Sup Forums
this is why no one takes you seriously lol

>Sup Forums - music discussion
>Sup Forums - politically incorrect

fuck off

So damn close.

Dammit I said stop replying.

I'm 90% sure he is from Sup Forums and is just trying to rile people up. I've seen him do it before here.

>ignoring stated sources, as per request
Shouldn't you be shooting up a school?
>Sup Forums is one person

No Sup Forums isn't one person, but you are.

I've seen you make these exact same arguments on these exact same issues in unrelated music threads like this. So either this is just something you do frequently or there's another person just as obnoxious.

God dammit why am I replying.

thats folk for u

>No Sup Forums isn't one person, but you are.
Oh OK.

Never been to Sup Forums though. But
>criticizing /pol?? you must be from Sup Forums!!
You are not too bright are you?

>I've seen you make these exact same arguments on these exact same issues in unrelated music threads like this
You haven't.


gr8 b8