He can't be fucking serious, can he?
He can't be fucking serious, can he?
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Well, at least they are all good albums.
yasssssss daddy slayyy
Absolutely based
looks fine to me, good taste to be perfectly honest.
i may not agree with it entirely on a personal basis, but i definitely respect it
>If you are a rock novice, skip the first one and get #2 to #6 first
because Faust is a totally accesible artist?
They're not inaccessible tho
There's something I like about Scaruffi's reviews. Even though only 1 of my top 5 albums is above an 8.0 rating by him, and he comes across as a pretentious egotistical douche, and I think Trout Mask is MOMA tier garbage.
how is Faust any more accessible than Beefheart
But it iNit to mention, a lot shorter
>Hosianna Mantra
Scruffy doesn't cut plebs any slack
here we go again...
he's uses rock as a blanket term for shit that's not jazz or classical
i dare you to find a rock critic with a better top 10
How does this man do what he does? Detailed summaries of every single major book and film. 8000 artist bios. All of those timelines and essays. Thus would be impressive regardless but he does this while traveling the entire world and lecturing on three different campuses. Is he bullshitting at least for some of the film ratings for every year?
it's a good list desu. different than my favs but it's still respectable
You can't be fucking serious, can you?
Make up a better list :^)
my his own admission the film scores are based on what his favorite critics have to say about them until he sees them himself. i have to assume he doesn't bother with any of the films that get poor marks.
he has reviewed very few books and film
he has not "travelled the entire world"
he's been writing this stuff for 33 years
he has collaborators
He's been to over 160 countries
he lies
some of the stuff you can tell he doesn't really rate
he's given the last 20 Tangerine Dream albums a 2/10
great sense of humor
Scaruffi's a mentally ill pretentious faggot
You know that kid in high school who thought he was smarter than everyone else and used intentionally confusing/big words to try to make himself seem smart?
That's Scaruffi. The only difference is that Scaruffi is so persistent in his autism that retards think he actually has anything intelligent to say.
If you're a rock novice you should listen to the VU and the Doors first what this nigga smokin
where can i access these lists being constantly posted
Something tells me you were that kid. Or that you are currently that kid.
>the film scores are based on what his favorite critics have to say about them until he sees them himself.
holy shit lol
#2 is rock bottom, not faust
Most noobs have listened to those albums though.
He says 2-6, which includes Faust
This. Also on his beatles essay, he completely ignores all facts because he's so far up his own ass that one cannot reason with him
Most critics aren't idiotic enough to believe that there is a top 10.
retarded post faggot
A lot of these albums are great though, along with albums later on in the list.
He has trusted friends that do reviews for him
You're either contrarian or it's been a long time since you've gotten to know a normie
I want their clothes.
Faust is entry level as fuck tbqh
>last 20 Tangerine Dream albums a 2/10
I actually feel bad for him, he will never be able to enjoy film or music again, because that's what it take to become a professional critic
see for yourself
>Most noobs have listened to those albums though
gee man, you really dont know many normies, do you?
>the fact that