What niche genre can I get into where the normals won't eventually join and play it on their big stages and in their clubs or make a meme out of it?
What niche genre can I get into where the normals won't eventually join and play it on their big stages and in their...
Ethnic music from a tribe
Tribal life is no life for a recluse
any genre that wasn't a meme from the start
AKA not vaporwave
It's not just meme shit, I remember when I was downloading what the normies now call "future bass" and "glitch hop" (and a bunch of other genres probably) off of fucking newgrounds
berlin school
As a serious answer, World music/ actual folk music, African and Asian music in particular are sooo fucking lit and most people never bother to seek it out because it's obviously foreign as fuck, even though the music itself is actually pretty accessible even to Westerners so you won't have to pretend that you like it lmao
or just make up your own damn genre
power electronics
>or just make up your own damn genre
These are your answers
harsh noise
field recordings of mating blobfish
Normies could take over harsh noise, theoretically, but they'll never take over HNW.
drone, pretty easy
Early electronic stuff. Mort Garson, Stockhausen etc
Unironically listening to Mongolian hip-hop with throat singing right now.
indie rawk
its okay bb sorry ur upset. you could make crazy electronic music like mostly soundscapey not so rhythmic but still sample based make the songs liek 20 minutes itd be right up your alley probably and fun
basically what i mean is
Forgot to say, please don't alienate yourself from popular music, there's lots of great shit out there
make your own, you normalfaggot.
Buddhists chants
autechre-teir idm
won't have to worry about too many people making sense of your music then
Musique Concrete
>implying mongolian throat-singing hasn't been gaining popularity and attention in the west over the past 20 years