/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

/diy/ Gibson fix edition
>Post gear
>Post desired gear
>lots of shit posting about Telecasters

Beginner information and FAQ:

Learn guitar:

Guitar chords and inversions

String Tension Calculator (D'Addario based):

>Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Don't bother
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2
probably was a virus

>Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
you're not going to bother anyway

>Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene
buy the book you cheap skate bums

old thread

Other urls found in this thread:


daily reminder to be good members of the community, and help eachother out and to not shit post incessantly

What's a good seven string guitar for around $400 dollars?

used ibanez

Purple strandbergs are now available

Is it a good color for a guitar?


how do I play like tk?

Something from Rondo maybe

I've never learned to play an instrument before. I love the sound of bass guitars and want to learn how to play one, but there seem to be more resources for non-bass guitars in general. Would it be easier to learn how to play a non-bass guitar and then transition to a bass guitar or would just jumping into the bass guitar by adjusting exercises to accommodate fewer strings work best?

>join a surf punk band
>they all have good jobs and im the only loser
>none of them surf or even skate
well ive got to get out of this

Channel your inner loser to songwriting.

>want to play bass
>should i play something else and then bass

what is wrong with you

bass guitar would be quite easy to get into. I started on guitar and then started learning bass several months later.

Not that guitar is overwhelmingly hard to get into. On guitar you have up to six strings to manage simultaneously. On bass your gonna be picking one at a time, 99% of the time.

Used RG760/761 if you can find it, brand new Schecter if you want a 26.5" scale. I tried an RG7420 and it was fine too, but the longer scale lends itself better to downtuning

I'd prefer a little more saturated look, unless the picture's at fault. but hey it's a strandberg, if I could buy one I wouldn't even care for the color.

There's just as much ressource.

Any female guitarists here?

I'm a girl

>On bass your gonna be picking one at a time, 99% of the time.
maybe if you're a boring bassist sure

i do, its hard to make that kinda music with dudes who dont want to get drunk 24/7

so whenever I use Logic's distorted patches, all my chords sound muddy and terrible. it sounds like chalkboard noises. I can't even distinguish the notes. is there something wrong with my setup? I can't mute strings yet but I don't think that's the problem here.

here is an example of what I mean:


Of course

It's called /gg/- guitar girls, for a reason

Why do you always post this and then disappear, user?

Is learning both blues theory and jazz theory reccomended if I wanna play chaotic like Beefhearts band?

You could or you could just play like Half Japanese and just play 'random' notes that sound good to your ear rather than deconstructing the theory.

Would a walnut tree good foe guitar body? I am considering buying a walnut shelf in a hardware store for this purpose.

plywood, and put an engine on it

Isn't it better to be playing in a key or mode 70% of the time while doing it though?

Not sure about plywood, but this walnut bought for 5$ sounds fine:

think of it like inside/outside playing

like just for an example, "standard" jazz guitar, for lack of a better term, is more inside than outside, but jazz fusion type of stuff is all over the place

So whenever I use distorted presets in Logic it sounds like mud. What knobs do I have to mess with to be able to distinguish the notes?

this is with a clean preset:


with a distorted preset:


I'm trying to get this sound, which seems like it has a lot of distortion but the notes have actual separation (but what do I know, I'm just a 13 year old Japanese schoolgirl):


>I'm just a 13 year old Japanese schoolgirl

you must be 18 years old to post on Sup Forums

How about how not to tune your instrument to anything but 324hz A

yeah well I thought you had to watch the show to be allowed to post on Sup Forums


that's really cool but if they ghetto rigged the neck it would be more impressive

Quarter step down master race
But seriously, it sounds so much better than standard to my ears

what are some different cordophones I can DIY without too much difficulty or wood skill?

I'm ok but I'm not as good as I want to what do

Use actual amp sims, not just default vsts, they're not tailored for guitar.

Great trick if you're going to play with a piano !

a fretless bass is probably the easiest instrument to build.

>tfw you found THE guitar

>tfw GIO
free me from this endless torture

>not posting it

I didn't think to take one. It's an orange mim fender strat. I'm gonna buy after this week's paycheck.

well if you want to sound like a specific group of people then study their theory. almost every unique culture has its own somewhat unified theory and even then theres usually a lot of people who dont follow it. in the western world to sound chaotic we use chromatics- which is literally just a fancy word for play every note in order. if you want to get mathy chaotic, play twelve tone (except theres literally nobody who enjoys listening to that its just an exercise in theory).

what i did was start out playing blues, expand into jazz, and when i felt like i could hold my own among other musicians improvising and composing, i started learning japanese and indian theory- japanese because it tends to follow a simpler but different set of rules from western and indian because theyre fucking crazy with microtuning and micronotes and shit-or turkish as well their microtuned guitars are fucking insane

>if you want to get mathy chaotic, play twelve tone (except theres literally nobody who enjoys listening to that its just an exercise in theory).
Ron Jarzombek kinda does that. It sounds great.

you could try fucking with the pedalboard settings if thats what youre using to distort. can you post which specific distortion preset youre using? most of the defaults are p shitty

I have that same guitar.

Heyyy fellow ling to site sigue fan. Play in compoumd time signatures, fast strumming, high pitched vocals, arpeggios, huge pedal board of boss pedals going into a twin reverb/other fender amp. Telecaster from Schecter is also amp good idea.

I don't even know the exact model I own. Mine's 22 frets but still as garbage

should i sell my sg to partially fund a parker fly mojo?

hes switching between the "chunks" by playing the major fifth and thirds 95% of the time and then just doing a lot of sus2 and sus4 isnt he? im oversimplifying like crazy but it seems less like hes playing "true" twelve tone and more poppy. it does sound really good though actually i love that C/E/F/Bb riff wow. i need to get better at guitar

guys serious question

is rocksmith a good idea to practice songs?


There's another video that goes more in the details of it.

Ron Jarzombek's a completely insane guitar player though, he's insanely fast in Spastic Ink too, and that was twenty years ago.

Anyone know if the Fender American Elite range is actually better than the American Standard?

jesus christ that is insane, he made chromatics and diminished sound so cool... and actually make sense to me.

Do you guys sing while playing? I never liked my voice and when my bandmates ask me to sing while playing i rejected. but since i started smoking half year ago, I kind of like my singing voice. anybody experienced similiar?

its better than not practicing

>implying anything is better than not practicing

recommend me some electric blues song to learn pls

I have the same question except specifically for beginner who only knows open chords and blues scale

How do i getthat specific pinch harmonic "pwee" tone

I know these examples might make me look like i'm shitposting but i'm not

right at the beggining of the song

verse starts at 0:30

please dont laugh
the pinch harmonic is at 1:02

I really want that type of pinch harmonic tone , is it all in the amp settings or do i have to do something different with the pick/finger

I really want that sound and my pinch harmonic with a bend sounds nothing like it

It's just a regular pinch harmonic bent up.

i know but it doesnt sound how i want it to sound

>tfw when you finally own THE guitar and THE amp (for (((You))) )
Being a wagecuck is bliss. I can die now.

Post an example of yours on vocaroo

Yeah, that's the type of pinch harmonic you do on the 3rd fret of the 6th string, do it with your right hand around the humbucker and bend it a little


find your guitarist , change the amp settings , get EMG's or humbuckers, bend slowly but hard

also probably you were deluded by the fact that you are maybe in standard tuning and those examples you posted were drop B and/or lower , kinda how your mind makes you think something is better because it's louder so...

me :)

started like 3 months ago
>bought a VM jag
>pretty surf green color
>took lessons for a week
>stopped and started using justinguitar
>haven't been in the mood to play cause i suck so bad
>decided to try again for the first time in month today
>progress a little
>too hot in room
>july weather
>stop playing out of uncomfortableness and frustration

can winter and uni get here faster please?

can wait to move into my single room dorm so i don't annoyed ppl with my shitty playing

>>bought a VM jag

stopped reading there

no you didn't
but thanks for the response

That settings thread is absolute BS, I got tricked by it when I started learning in a Frontman 25R trying to get Metallica's tone.

Mick thomson's settings are aight tho ,also not all amps are the same , some are brighter than others, if you want metallica's tone just scoop the mids a lot and raise the high freqs , play around with gain and bass to get what you want

Get the fuck out.

>get EMG's or humbuckers
get good, i can play them on single coils fine
i'm pretty sure I could even do them on piezos

suck my dick

I've had this thing about a month. Finding a definitive way to set up the trem system is a little difficult. Before, I put 11s on it, adjusted the spring tension to the tightest it could be and lowered the tailpiece to sit pretty low. This resulted in the trem bar angling upward and being really tight, along with pretty tight string tension, but it was staying in tune. Is the trem bar supposed to be parallel to the body? To accomplish that, I lowered the spring tension all the way and raised the tailpiece up more and it now sits parallel, but I'm not sure if it's going to stay in tune with use. Thoughts/advice?

Thanks for the advice.

It was long long ago... I now have a particular sound that I go to and own a far better amp.

> He doesn't wants a guitarist waifu to jam with
Also Asuka best waifu.


>anything lower than 10


except not really. shinji best waifu. And he plays the cello so I can make sweet music with him

He also plays the piano homobeautifully.

>falling for memes

We tried to warn you, we really did.

I guess this is kinda gg related. Just picked this up today.

did you put it back down again?

Nice, we were talking about classical instruments before.

>tfw the guy you know who plays classical piano can also play guitar way better than you like it's nothing, and doesn't even seem to spend much time practicing guitar


Shawn Lane was a pianist before being a guitarist.

When in doubt about whether you can go faster or not, watch him. He's got great phrasing too, really better than listening to some wankster like Yngwie.

>tfw no trap guitar player gf to jam with

Youtube used to be full of these guys playing

Never showed their faces and they were all from Japan

I wonder why

What do you think of Electras? I'm thinking about getting this.

I love Shawn Lane

Could never understand how he did those legato runs at 2:00 and with arthritis


are the justinguitar courses a valid option for learning?

Ram's head best girl


>check out this big muff anime by jaoanese artist nota
>calling a character an "anime"

ehx is moe

i never knew ehx were such weebs.

i need to buy one of their pedals right now.

all pedal manufacturers are weebs

Got a lot of money I'm sitting on right now, and I've been playing long enough to the point where I know exactly what I want in a guitar.
I'm thinking of having a custom shop guitar made through Keisel/Carvin.

Anyone ever build their own guitars or do a custom one?

The OP changed...

I don't like the new one either.

Anyone have the copypasta of the old OP?

It's two or three threads back, follow the links in the OPs