What are some good quality earbuds? If the answer is "there are none", then what are some good portable headphones?
What are some good quality earbuds? If the answer is "there are none", then what are some good portable headphones?
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meelectronics m6 pro
those are just cheap as shit, and fit most peoples needs.
your budget and your sound preferences can change the product a lot tho
>inb4 SE215
Best earbuds for the price. Me and a friend are audiophiles and have been trying for years to see which earbuds are the best and holy shit these are really fucking good. Almost the same quality as my Sennheiser HD 280 pros. They're flat while still retaining a little curve in the high frequencies for dat perfect presence.
Soundmagic E10
whatever this guy is wearing
If money is tight, Skullcandy's Smokin Buds 2 are actually pretty nice. They're covered with logos (the Skull appears around 11 times) and have a ridiculous name, though. The wireless variant sounds exactly the same.
I also hear good things about Xiaomi Pistons.
There's also the ridiculously expensive Shure SE846 ($1,000). Apparently they're the best earbuds in the world, but if you're going to pay $1,000 for something, it probably shouldn't be earbuds. Opt for Bose IE2 earbuds or something. Still expensive, but no where near $1,000.
I own a pair of pic related currently. Couldn't recommend them enough.
The Marshall earbuds €65 fucking love m
Whatever you do, do not fall for the xiaomi pistons meme
pic related op
cx 300 ii are the best
Im using the same pair for like 3 years now
I have to fix them everyonce in a while but they are great
>meelectronics m6 pro
How do these compare to monoprice's earbuds?
I tried their $20 headphones and they're great for the price.
bose (a bit overpriced)
these 3 i've experienced are pretty good quality and reliable.
Been using these for about a year, they are are great.
you are not reviewing right when you are not using 1/20,40,100 scales
I know, I know. But they're actually good though. One of SKullcandy's only pair of earbuds worth paying for.
The Pro variety ain't cheap as shit anymore. When they're approaching SE215 price range, might as well get the real thing instead of the imitation.
>If the answer is "there are none",
There are none
> then what are some good portable headphones?
Some on-ear pair with a fairly good noise isolation, as you want them for outside
Jecklin Float represent
They are bad. I know, I owned two pairs in my teenage years. Literally anything in the same price range will sound better, for example JVC Marshmallows. You can get cheaper chink IEMs like KZ from Aliexpress that are wayy better.
People are going to say they are shit, but I use apple earpods when I listen to music with my phone. I've had them for about 2 years now and they still sound good, although the bass isnt as good as it was when they were new. You can find authentic ones on ebay for about $12-$15 if you look hard enough. Beware of all the fakes though, many claim to be real but most of the time are fake af.
JVC gumy are good, really cheap. There better then most cheap headphones, but if you have the money, invest a little in better earphones.
Yes but the important question is are the expensive earbuds durable? I bought some cheapo 11$ earbuds [spoiler][/spoiler]from Fry's four years ago. They still work. More expensive earbuds have broken within months.
They are ok. I prefer IEMs with rubber or foam tips, but listened to the Apple Earpods that were bundled with my device for a while and can't complain.
Why is it a meme? Are they actually shit? I've heard them positively recommended pretty much everywhere
I have a pair of these for portable listening. They're a huge step up from normie headphones that are made with aesthetic purposes in mind. They're quite neutral in terms of sound though, so they're much more skewed toward guitar based music than EDM or other bass-y music.
if you think these are acceptable, ignore my advice. they're fairly priced, but sound quality is very lacking for serious music listening.
rockjaw alfa genus v2
Etymotic ER4S
Particularly the Etymotic ER4S with the red filters.
Xiaomi Hybrids, I picked some up for £13 and free shipping.
should probably mention they are the dual driver successor to the piston series
I am the only person I know that frequently uses Skullcandy Ink'd. Nothing I've had has ever sounded as good. Ever.
I do want to try the Xiaomi ones though.
Enjoy listening to music? Yes?
Then don't use earbuds - they damage your hearing like nothing else.
i use them. theyre pretty good, but im kind of a normie when it comes to good audio stuff
So am I. Problem is I'm a bit cheap. I don't want to spend more than $30 for headphones I've never used before.
I've used various headphones ranging from £8-£200 and the best listening experience was delivered by Xiaomi. I don't expect they will last long but for the price i'm happy
>good earbuds
>earbuds that you have to shove into your ear canal like earplugs
pick one, lads
UUUU. Review scores in list format: cdn.head-fi.org
Keep in mind that some of these are out-of-date as the list has been compiled over several years.
*citation needed
i know theres better stuff than shit thats $30. im not gonna sit here and spout my doo doo shit opinion when im not a certified expert
>They're quite neutral in terms of sound though
This isn't true, by the way.
Don't get IEMs unless you want to fuck up your hearing.
Invest on a good pair of full sized foldable headphones if you want portability or even wireless headphones, but avoid IEMs at all costs.
Closed headphones fuck up your hearing too, might as well use the phone speakers.
Listening to music fucks up your hearing. Better stop doing that too
The problem is that there's few great closed headphones below the $30 range. I could recommend OP a KSC-75 or something, but it would be useless if OP is planning to listen to music in loud areas.
Sennheiser HD 202 and Monoprice DJ come to mind in the over-ear closed 30 USD price range.
Where are the articles backing up these claims about IEM's causing disproportionate hearing damage?
there are none
these autists just want to justify wearing giant on ear headphones everywhere
it's just a meme
I have meelectronics m6 and zunu trident. Got both on eBay really cheap and I love em both.
Ok good
bought this like a week ago, best thing i've bought this year desu
oh yea
wanna describe how you perceived the sound?
I have these and I love them -mainly for the durability. They're solid as a fucking rock. I would agree that the sound is pretty neutral.
How would you describe it?
Nigga please
lotta mid no treble
>implying that's expensive for a decent pair of headphones
go mug someone jamal
I have a pair of these with comply tips. I've yet to find a more comfortable universal IEM
HiFiMAN RE-400
go for the hybrids instead.
>pays £13 for IEMs
>thinks he's getting good IEMs
I use Skullcandy 50/50s. Good price and produce a really nice clear sound.
For some reason every IEM i've ever tried doesn't fit in my ear, anyone else have this problem?
See if you can order some from your home planet.
>Has HD600, X2, and Xiaomi Hybrids.
They are legitimately good. Don't knock em till you try em.
Legitimate question: Unless you have to wear a helmet, or have a hairdo that could be mashed down, why would anyone want ear buds?
Even, then, there are things like this out there that would solve those problems.
had to change cable twice during a two year period, still quite solid considering how many pairs I generally destroy a year...
Seriously though, just get some with a big gumdrop-shaped chunk of foam that will conform to the shape of your ears no matter what.
Any recs for around 100 ish?
I liked my pair, great for cycling as they fit flush with your ear so wind doesn't both them
sennheiser mx375 is the best one on the below $15 side, I use them every day and they're pretty durable.
i like the feeling that someone is sticking his finger in my ear
So I can keep them in my pocket.
i got m6 pro they're dope but
should I try the pistons???
I would just save up for something more high end at that point. No need having a bunch a similar quality headphones/iems.
k thnx son
got any reccs
You spent $160 dollars on earbuds? Wtf is wrong with you?
any earbuds that don't make a seal are going to be shit and have no bass.
Xiaomi/1more triple driver
rha t20
i fucking hate this. spend hours a day listening to fucking music. and as soon as something sounds good you listen on something new that sounds better. i should just buy the 50k fucking things and get it over with
> Browsing a music board
> Not spending good money on sound equipment to get the most out of it
The sound you get out of your iPhone mono speaker and bundled earbuds is fucking garbage.
Just leave this board.
iems != earbuds
not him but the SE215 are bassy, they're not neutral
they're really good btw
I didn't think that phones were capable of decompressing files well enough to require such expensive sound equipment. I guess it was more of an assumption though
What is an iem and why is it different?
You can buy a Fiio X3 for 200 dollars.