Tell me some vaporwave artists

Tell me some vaporwave artists

I never visit Sup Forums so I'm just going to assume myself and the genre are going to get shit on but if someone wants to point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it

Other urls found in this thread: images/a8721a151c81453d846eefb412129be1!iwABUApY!MaExct8QR-gKyg_2zdt1YA

I'll dump a few walls in exchange

A friend told me about the sub-genre but didn't really go into details about artists or groups

Bump I too need some vapor wave

Currently listening to some user made spotify lists but I'm not sure how true to the genre they are

I wanna smash this grill.

>he prefers vaporwave over futurefunk

I'm open to anything kinda electronic, melancholy, glitchy, ect..

Show me some futurefunk then?

Listen to Saint Pepsi, Macintosh Plus, and James Ferraro. Far Side Virtual and EccoJams in particular are the essential vaporwave albums.

>James Ferraro
>midi: the album
>dude slowed down 80s songs lmao
>Macintosh Plus
>ok so i take eccojams, then i cut it up and loop it!
>Saint Pepsi
>actually talented

Also, I wouldn't say I prefer a genre I've never heard to a genre I've never heard. I'm willing to learn, senpai

Sounds good, thanks m8. I also saw some talk about Blank Banshee, thoughts?

they're the most popular, succ my dicc

What would you say some decent vaporwave artists are then? Genuinely curious

Blank Banshee is pretty good too

Blank Banshee 0 is more of a trap-influenced, authentic vaportrap album while Blank Banshee 1 is a more experimental, ambient version of Blank Banshee 0. both are pretty good, depends what you like (i prefer Blank Banshee 1)

2 8 1 4
Blank Banshee
Vektroid (Macintosh Plus)

and vaporwaved themed:
Yung Lean
Clarence Clarity

definitely 2814, Blank Banshee, Saint Pepsi, VAPERROR and HOME

really not big into plunderphonics (the type of vaporwave where a song is slowed down and looped and layered)

>saint pepsi



Again, much appreciated.

I saw a bunch of stuff about Yung Lean as well, when you say themed you mean aesthetically similar but not really in the genre?

Thanks buddy, I'll give them a listen

Well I gotta say, this was more educational that I figured it would be all things considered. You aren't as bad as they say, Sup Forums.

i might be outdated on the use of the term plunderphonics, but it has nothing to do with vaporwave. It was a project made by John Oswald long before vaporwave.
The techniques are the same tho.

again, maybe people are using this term again to describe this kind of music you said, but ive never seen it.

>ive been really into hong kong xpress and 2 8 1 4 lately.

eccojams is good, as shitty as it is musically

saint pepsi's earlier stuff bridged the gap, before future funk branched out and became sample heavy french disco

You fucking mong
I like all the artists you listed but half of those aren't even vaporwave.

what does that even mean

It's my first time on Sup Forums too, and I really like those lo-fi / electronic / glitchy smooth beats too. Fell in love with future funk. Before that, I mostly used to listen to j-pop (yes, I know) and jazz.

Got some future funk core albums?

He's saying that just because it took no talent to create doesn't mean it isn't a good listen. I think.


I wanna die and Cycles are fucking great

You've got to be kidding me, future funk is garbage. It's literally Daft Punk tier meme bullshit with vaporwave album covers, it's not even real vaporwave.

suck my dick
is that the girl from aTelecine?

That's toilet licker/porn star/faux artist Sasha Grey

Fucking goddamn I love you. I've been looking for the source of this picture for awhile. images/a8721a151c81453d846eefb412129be1

>get funk sample
>4/4 kick drum
>sidechain that shit
congrats you have future funk. honestly the genere is a joke for the most part and doesnt really take much effort to make and most of the tracks made just sound the same. its like the dub step of the vaporwave world.

OP LISTEN to Eccojams before anything else. This thing is essential and basically created the genre.

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OP here, thanks a ton senpai!iwABUApY!MaExct8QR-gKyg_2zdt1YA here's the downloads for all those albums
and this:

anytime user

Can someone do a Simpsonwave remix that combines the Gracie Films logo with King of wishful thinking? They sound like they're made for each other.

ya bro lets get the aes tt e thic going on bro also drink FUJI water to keep yourself vbapor

Can someone tell me why Yung Lean is associated with Vaporware?

nice wall

Vaporwave visuals/aesthetic in his videos around the time the vaporwave trend started getting traction. I guess his music could be considered slightly vaporwave since vaporwave is essentially just slowed down R&B samples and whatever. It was all just by association.

some of these images are so FUCKING lit
thanks user, i saved all these ones, they're desktop background worthy

James FUCKING Ferraro

The mastermind behind it all.

Death's Dynamic Shroud.wmv - I'll Try Living Like This

Good album

dude my gf loves this