RYM / sonemic general

april 2016 edition

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name a black metal band thats as consistent as darkthrone
he has no riffs he aint a real rocker metal horns up mother fucker

Rich has spoken

Metalcucks BTFO

he himself has been metalhead in the past

Whatever. Rich's idea of heavy music is cybergrind and screamo garbage.

Why so much guitar music at all?





Well, they're not that consistent, so that should be pretty easy. Antaeus, GBK, Inquisition, Maniac Butcher, Satanic Warmaster, and probably a bunch more.



The most edgy rym user



>get depressed
>drink jasmine
>realize i was just being a little bitch
>no longer depressed

every time

>scaruffidrone with some extra mallgoth thrown in

redpill me on sean

alright are these bands proper black metal with sick speed rifts and blast beats or some dumb ass atmospheric shit cause every time ive asked here its always the worst bm recs

Please recc me stuff, I'll try to return the favor


is that pic shopped

No. None of the bands I listed are atmospheric.

all the Beatles albums are .5 stars

a swell guy

redpill me on ~hitmon

idk man i haven't talked to him in months, he probably hates me for always involving him in my drug-induced antics though
i don't blame him and i want to formally apologize to him but idt he wants to hear it

pic related is the real pic

>drug-induced antics

Fuck that bitch on Monday, fuck her sister Tuesday

wtf I hate Rich now


where can i find Tie Xi Qu: West of the Tracks



its a film bro
real answer: karagarga


who's that one RYMer who has the "postitive rating cuve" and his only 5.0 is the downward spiral lol


what did yall eat 4 dinner

porkchops + tomato salad + baked potato here

Watch more canon films, read some film theory and then watch such films, kid.

>such films

how arrogant.

>Watch more canon films, read some film theory and then watch such films, kid.
Tie Xi Qu is canon


black metal is one genre i could never get into
i respect it though


It will take you like 5 days to DL that shit though.



desu you sound like a tryhard embryo saying that. i've seen the first part of that documentary and it's not a very formal film grounded in theory

i eat embryos like you for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
>talking shit on the best Cure album

gothic rock is for sad ppl im not sad it goes over my head sry user

>proud socialist and "cuckold" (that's what MRAs call me because i would watch and masturbate to the sight of a big black man having sex with my girlfriend) please add me

Why is Sal so based?


absolutely not

candy is actually pretty based, honestly

alright :/

you're not even old enough to be posting on Sup Forums


wdhmbt lads?


Stop talking about me. You're no better than Sup Forumstants because you're clearly perpetuating uselnessnesses, pointlessnesses and meaninglessnesses. I'm a thing? cool to know. tell me more.
I don't even want to be a "high profile RYMer". What does that even mean anyhow? Just because I don't post irrelevant random xd bullshit on a useless forum? I hate Sup Forums as well, if anything, the fact that I'm talked about there disgusts me.
Number of visits to AntiWarhol's RYM page*: 391330 - Am I a high profile RYMer yet? tell me when please.
As much as I hate Sup Forums and Sup Forums, at least that horrible and disgusting place is better than RYM's forum. RYM's forum has nothing good about it at all and all the users that post there often are nothing but obnoxious. I seriously hope sonemic sucks so I can just stop using this website and focus on my studies instead. I'm tired of being talked about when I say nothing to no one.
I don't even know who you are and you post almost 30k message posts of nothing but pointless obnoxious bullshit. I just rate stuff and say nothing for the most part. I am a higher profile RYMer than you are and I don't even want to be. My e-penis is bigger than your e-penis. Do you care? I guess you do.
Well, how am I "thing" and what's the point in talking about me in the first place then? Why care about that then if it's "not interesting"?
If you have something to say simply say it to me. I seriously have no idea why so many people talk about me when I literally talk to about 6 people here. It's quite strange and it literally makes no sense to me at all.
I don't know who you are and I don't want to know who you are. If anything, you're far worse than anyone who frequents Sup Forums.
Do you aspire to be a "high profile RYMer"? If so, why? I seriously want to know. Please tell me.
Anyone who posts frequently on the RYM forums is the part of RYM I don't want to know at all. But please do tell me. I'm oh so interested in what a "high profile RYMer" is and isn't.

redpill me on ~exitsense

One of the most important RYMers, one who pushes boundaries and renews traditions

I don't remember his old acct name, but I vaguely remember Claudio getting shit from other avant-teens a few years back.

is this true or are you memeing me because i dont remember the avant teenie weenies that would post here in 2013 mentioning him

~fractured, and ~Midwayer on a previous account

He got utterly destroyed by AW himself on last.fm. I don't have the screencap, but it has been posted in these threads before.

+aceghd, he got a lot of shit for that one, specially from that chris dude who used to gang up on dilettantes with antiwarhol.

ah shit you're right, thought that was somebody else. that was a long time ago.

he was one of the Big Four next to Rich, Raf, and Karl

what he's saying is that you're first supposed to be familiar with the all canon stuff and cult classics, stuff such as cassavetes, tarkovsky, antonioni, bresson, bergman, teshigahara, naruse, etc.

after you've seen all that stuff, only then you are allowed to move on to next level stuff such as wang bing, zhao liang or lav diaz.

jumping straight into works of those auteurs, only to appear cultured and like a huge intellectual is a common mistake many aspiring avant-teens tend to make. it just doesn't work that way.

do you think listening to charlie parker should be a prerequisite to listening to john coltrane?

they do this same thing with music as well

What was "that chris dude"'s username?

there's no reason why one can't watch Tie Xi Qu without an in-depth knowledge of film. i'd somewhat agree with you on certain, highly formalist directors (Straub-Huillet, for instance) but even then theres nothing wrong with watching them even if you don't get as much out of it as you would with an extensive background of cinema. The filmic content of Tie Xi Qu aside from its length is not a very radical departure for a viewer with some familiarity of documentary films. you're also presuming someone would only watch Tie Xi Qu for cultural capital. what if the subject matter of the film interests them?

your approach to cinema as a sort of tiered hierarchy betrays your Sup Forums-centric view of art

no, it's a little different with music, but it is still preferred if you are familiar with the history of that genre.

for example, i saw people on RYM who never listened to mozart and bach but would listen to julius eastman or morton feldman and claim (with certainty) that those artists are the pinnacle of classical music.

of course, one could say that history, context behind some work of art, background info may be irrelevant, but it is definitely more enjoyable and gives you the full picture if you know all that. you can read faust II without being familiar with the ancient greek history and mythology, you may still enjoy it (probably not) even though you will only understand little parts of it, or you can read ulysses without previously having read ovid, dante and odyssey, but to get the full experience you must read the works that came before it.

This general is not the cultural capital I came looking for.

it's a fucking documentary
the "canon" has literally no influence or effect on the understanding of this documentary

alert new 5 alert new 5
but is it kino?

t. embryo

is hamtrax the guy who used to call himself biotroll or something like that

no thats biotroll im the guy who used to spam retarded shit on here when i was a #teen and then i hit my 20s

Gang Bing is no amatuer buddy

>for example, i saw people on RYM who never listened to mozart and bach but would listen to julius eastman or morton feldman and claim (with certainty) that those artists are the pinnacle of classical music
but i literally never said anything was the pinnacle of anything i just want to watch this movie

thanks for adding him

to be fair, i don't think one really needs to have a deep understanding of pre-modern classical to appreciate certain composers like Feldman who work under an entirely different paradigm. modernism pretty much eradicated the historical lineage of WCM (and Western art in general). the comparison to Ulysses is a false analogy as that is a work clearly defined by its role in the western canon of literature


is there any good music from this area
i didnt add him one of my m8s did

you're a retard

thank ur lad for me, m8

you're a dumbass who sees history as a shallow linear progression

Yes, if you're into traditional folk. See Monajat Yulchieva or Salamat Sadikova

Pakistan and Iran have good music but it's p entry level
most avant-teens have heard it

im not even the first poster, youre just an impressionalbe meme rap loving nigger

i dont listen to rap you retard. nothing i said in my post gives an impression of "fuck le canon xD" unless you're an illiterate moron.

lmao sure kid
go back to listening to the new future mixtape :D

there is no new future mixtape what are u on about

Pick one.

whatever happe n 2 kodi i still miss him

the dude on the right has rational ecstasy in his eyes...

This guy

Who's that on the left?

mauricio villanueva aka couldnvrlisten aka carburador

he ripped Daisyfree a new one with his 10 inch burrito

damn this shit sucks ass lmao

Hammy since he's obviously cooler and dresses better then Mauricio


Because metal is more interesting than all other rock music in the past years

This is the second worst general behind Kpop

He's also a better cook