Where to start with Modest Mouse?
Where to start with Modest Mouse?
the Moon and Antarctica. if you like the more indie pop songs, progress chronologically. if you like the more aggressive songs and the jamming go backwards. make sure to check out their eps and the compilation Building Nothing Out of Something, a lot of their best songs are on them.
Start with
Listen to the knockout LCW tracks (Heart Cooks Brain, Doin the Cockroach, Polar Opposites, Trailer Trash, Cowboy Dan, and Bankrupt on Selling) Then listen to the rest of the album. Then you pretty much just expand from the LPs and EPs made around LCW.
>Where to start with reading books?
>War and Peace
Lonesome Crowded West or Moon and Antarctica
Please don't listen to the 'knockout tracks', the entire album is great and very thematic.
start in this order, from top to bottom
Interstate 8
Long Drive
Lonesome Crowded
Moon & Antarctica
Building Nothing
then you are free to listen to whatever you want.in any order
I'm just saying, Teeth Like God's Shoeshine can be a bit off putting with the first few minutes.
wrong, it's a good song
It's the best song on the album.though
And if you're gonna get into Modest Mouse you should get used to le lisp man screaming at you sooner rather than later.
Did you know Isaac Brock is a rapist? So listening to Modest Mouse makes you a rape enabler.
no it's not
It is, and it's a perfect intro to the style of LCW.
Heart Cooks Brain is the best song on LCW
Not even top 5 desu senpai
no u
Start with this one
literally not even top 3 BTS
stop this meme
>O: Can we talk about the rape accusation in 1999?
>IB: It's an allegation that was withdrawn, and of course that didn't get any press. It was complete and utter bullshit, and the whole situation was so complicated that it's hard for me to go into lots of detail. At the time, I figured I'd just shut up and give this young lady enough rope to hang herself, you know? It fucked up my life once, and I'd prefer to just let it go.
Lonesome Crowded West