Girl Loves Me sucks
Girl Loves Me sucks
No it literally doesn't.
How does it feel to be wrong?
his voice when he says "where the fuck did monday go" is unbearable. stupid lyric too
>David Bowie death date
>Sunday, January 10, 2016
>"Where the fuck did Monday go?"
It is supposed to be a sonic representation of what having cancer is like. So that's probably why you didn't like it.
He was in great pain and heavy medication, so that's why he sounded like that. He wanted to represent his hardship through that voice.
that's one of my favorite lyrics on the whole album.
I always thought that was about the passage of time and being shocked how quickly it's passes and how soon you'll be at your end.
its jenny death
Haha Inxy are u that boy all over YouTube xD
Where the fuck did OP's taste go?
thats the best one dumbie
timmy put down the phone
This one works
literally the best track
literally the best part
>be me
>be 10
>happy little boy, but I had no brothers then
>parents get me a hamster
>name him Monday
>the little fucker was always hiding in the weirdest places
>one day I can't find him
>turns out he ran away or something
>probably dead by now
>where the fuck did monday go
>literally the best part
>not "Who the fuck's gonna mess with me?
It's a great track and you have shit taste, it's some of the best vocals on the album