what music did they listen to?
What music did they listen to?
Other urls found in this thread:
How would I know?
Nothing but 70s porn soundtracks for this guy
Guy on the very right listens to this
Its not fair that I can get banned for posting Scruffy on Sup Forums but this is okay on Sup Forums
Protagonist on the front right definitely hears city pop whenever his love interest enters
The rival on the front left looks like he's into Japanese hair metal
family this shit is rad
So glad there's more Takeshi fans on Sup Forums
Left is the protag you cunt.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
wtf is a "porn soundtrack"?
Left is a total fucking Kuwabara are you blind
>Basing it on PooPoo Hakushit
A real delinquent manga enthusiast would choose left as the protag.
A protagonist needs to have a calm but menacing exterior, not all out "KISAMA THE FUCK YOU LOOKING AT?" like left
Pic related, a real delinquent leader.
Soundtrack to porn. What else would it fucking be?
How would I know?
the one in the front looks like fucking Josuke
haha and your posts ends in 69
and this end in dubs
>Delinquent looking guy looks like a character based on delinquent style
JoJofags need to fuck off back to tumblr desu
Lurk 2 years before posting.
Yeah JoJo was always talked about, but when there is a fucking general created for JoJo after the part 3 anime came out you need to just acc fuck off back to tumblr, lad.
Why is it surprising to you that an anime adaptation of what a lot of people consider the most popular part of the series gets a lot of attention? Moreover, the hell does that have to do with tumblr?
You're telling me to lurk more and it seems like you're the one who's only been here 2 years with your naivety and lack of knowledge on how the most popular anime of the season is always pushed hard on tumblr harder than anywhere and it leaks back to Sup Forums
is she the most talented woman in the history of pop music?
this should be way worse than it is
You are being paranoid
We both know JoJo was always popular on Sup Forums, and we both know Jotaro has been the most popular character in the series forever (although Joseph and Josuke are both better)
EVERY time a popular manga gets an adaptation this happens, or at least since 2010 since I can't speak for anything earlier than that.
Just because there is also an audience for it on tumblr doesn't mean tumblr is suddenly invading to force something that doesn't even need to be forced, the manga fans and the secondaries will do it themselves.