It's funny when people die from cancer
you are literally pathetic and should fucking kill yourself
haha i bet she was praying to god to at least spare her long enough to see her child walk and talk lmao
kys harry scumbag
>nice guy bitch-men give a girl who's already with another guy a massive amount of money to not die
>she dies
Nice edge!
trolled lel xD
this kid is gonna grow up without a mother lmao
Too funny
ayy shes never going to meet her mother personally and will have to rely on others' memories and experiences instead lmao
woah ----- what lies should we feed her ?
heh i bet his diaper is shitty already ;)
so funny
haha.. i love memes...
she looks so bad in this pic. looks like my dad at the end stages of his cancer. I knew she wouldn't last long when I saw this
quads of tru
Wow, you are actually awful.
Haha funny stuff bro
daily reminder that she died in agonizing pain and suffering
I want to die
Damn that's sad. Poor Phil.
I don't really get the point of these threads desu
like we all know you don't actually feel this way
is it just fun being a bad person ironically?
the only cancer here is all these edgy faggots
Cry more QQ
your life's too funny
that post smells of reddit
oh noes i'm gonna fall for the bait because empathy
u r a human shit kill yourself edgelord teen
so immature
Because you people make it worth while
How does laughing at someone's death cure insecurity though
or is it more a "haha look at these guys actually having empathy like faggots, not like me" thing
This place has thoroughly desensitized me to this phenomenon but it's still really curious
Lel sick meme bro
>even ironically
pure cancer
Absolutely geriatric meme desu
>hahaha le cancer is funny XD
>lmao go kys faggot :^)
cancer is an eternal meme you uncultured swine
Not for Geneviève
fucking faggot kys harry
Old Body, New Tumor
Anus status: Rekt
When did this board get so edgy?
fuck you edgelord
I like how someone edited out Andy because the thought of him banging their waifu was too triggering
If you laughed at this thread then you're real Sup Forums
If you didn't and got upset then you're reddit tumblr and need to go back to your fucking safespace!
spotted the edgelord
what the fuck
poor phil man
This bait didn't work because nobody expected her to live
whats happeninges here
toxic hyper masculinity
wow she was a qt
>girl who's already with another guy
wait what? phils a cuck?
I hope phil will be ok
I hope he won't haha I'm glad his wife dies
>tfw I'll die a virgin who only masturbates to anime, but I'll never have to experience the pain of my wife dying before she turns 40
Fluid filled her lungs and she died in bed in agonizing pain from one of the most deadliest forms of cancer. The doctor told them that it was stage 4 and inoperable and that she was going to die. Imagine the fear and the racing thoughts and the anxiety. The anxiety of knowing your body is going against you and will impede on the function of your organs making everything stop, and feeling yourself get thinner and thinmer and trying to enjoy your smiling child as much as you can because you won't live to see them be an adult. And you won't live to see them do anything. You will be dead and in the dirt, rotting. In nothingness. We all are so snug in our homes, passing the time and not thinking about anything. You may know your insignificance, but you won't truly feel it until you are told that you are dying.