I'm going to take LSD/shrooms in a few days and I want to listen to music while I'm high. Any experiences? Discuss
I'm going to take LSD/shrooms in a few days and I want to listen to music while I'm high. Any experiences? Discuss
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Depends on the environment. With other people pic related might not be good cause it's not 'chill' or might freak em out.
In my experience stuff thats spaced out, atmospheric and has lots of texture to it can be amazing. Stuff like the new avalanches album, mbv, burial.
But odds are you'll love whatever music is on regardless, just do what seems right.
going by this i assume it's the first time you are doing any psychoactive drugs. Considering you can't make up your mind whether you're just dropping acid, doing shrooms or both. (and also you are asking Sup Forums what you should listen to while high, which is just a big red flag on fire right there.)
there's like a 95 percent chance you really aren't consiously going to listen to music while on psychoactive drugs. for some people maybe it'll carry some significance, but in general it doesn't matter. You probably won't remember anyway.
if you feel mellow while listening to rapeman then you know, just bump that 'ish. general rule of thumb is just to put on mellow music. Stuff that isn't too intense or over the top. But thats just me though you got dudes who like to trip or get fucked up to Peter Sotos or Jandek or something like that.
Tomorrow Never Knows by The Beatles. It is literally just a musical replication of what taking LSD feels like.
dont bother planning to listen to anything cause the second it kicks in you will end up listening to something else entirely.
praise kek
I want to know more about the experience itself of listening to music while tripping (if you feel the music more layered or something like with weed) than what music should I listen to. It's a music festival so the only thing that I can do if the music bothers me is go away from the the place
oh god fuck, how old are you 13? jesus i was hoping that nobody was gonna bring up the shit fuck faggot beatles but i guess i was wrong af.
well you could've clarified man.
but still. This:
>You probably won't remember anyway.
Anything that you like when sober.
A lot of 60's bands are good for obvious reasons.
It sounds like might be the only one itt who's actually fucking done drugs so take all these other faggots advice with a big grain of salt.
shplongle, esp divine moments of truth, shit sent waves and made the room vibrate when i peaked...
otherwise just music you like when sober - its going to be even better and the detail you can make out is amazing
or just psybient in general if you wanna space out
I listened to R.E.M. and Deathconsciousness on my first trip.
10/10 would recommend.
Just took 2 tabs at Disneyland yesterday. Was listening to:
Animal Collective - Painting With and MPP
Tame Impala - Lonerism and Currents
Neon Indian - Psychic Chasms
plus some Wavves, Washed Out, and Starfucker. Had myself a good ass time.
Just listen to music you like. Preferably complex music.
Literally anything works, as long as it's good and has a lot going on.
Tell me what you want to feel OP and I can tell you what to listen to.
Also, you said LSD/shrooms?
You aren't doing both, so what's your agenda? Just want general tripping music?
Also, LSD and shrooms both require different music, but you can find a lot of common ground.
listening to music thru headphones when tripping just isnt the same
It's weird, but a nice trip
That's some grade-A ecstasy music.
loveit so much, I've even uploaded one song that wasn't on youtube so the full album could be online
>tame impala
>the xx
>glass animals
Call me a pleb, but these are all excellent bands to listen to while tripping.
bottomless pit
im completely serious
yes just do it faggot obviously its amazing
I wouldn't
These are fun
Don't know
Shit advice for a first timer
OP, when you're tripping. You'll know what you'll want to listen to.
groundislava, shlohmo, deerhoof, sweet trip,aphex twin, samiyam,
>the beatles