Here are the essential albums for the HOTTEST (oy vey!) board on Sup Forums, chosen after serious and profound consideration. Hope you enjoy these final picks
OFFICIAL Sup ForumsCORE 2016
fuck off to Sup Forums
we dont want you here
Fuck off.
Where's based Jase?
Sup Forums is an 18+ website, Chester
>someone dislikes Sup Forums
>underage b&
oy vey brother
wtf why is here no moonman?
You're right but top kek
>someone goes on Sup Forums
>not 16
he'll be in the 2017 one when Drumpfenfuhrer consummates the Imperium
>angry birds ost
It's about the migrant crisis
>doesn't exclusively listen to AB: OST
>implying Sup Forums listens to anything except pic related
we abhor sexual degeneracy, actually
its about rapists from another country
Yeah we know fetishist and it's horrific.
its like a study of degeneracy
but more seriously, actual Sup Forums core
what was your goal with this post
Cleary you've not the more knowledge than the common charlatan, that album is the lowest for of plebinism to ever afflict our movement.
Good try bucko, it doesn't look like puberty will come user!
>common charlatan
>lowest form of plebinism
holy fucking shit dude
Where's our german goddess Nico? She has a confirmed hatred of blacks and women. And she's talented too.
holy fucking shit dude
What with its banal tones, and want of creedence, this album finds itself amongst the bottom feeders--the true Shudras--of the musical realm. And you gait with them, trying to keep your head high, to take in the wafting airs that flow ambrosial streams from the palace, but alas find yourself still intermingled in the shit!
nico literally cried when that rock n roll nigger patti smith found her long lost harmonium and returned it to her in person.
did you just discover a thesaurus
Just fuck off back to Sup Forums.
To promote, disseminate, educate, and eradicate
Quite simply; to spread the glad knowledge, with Tila Tequila's humorous antics; or possibly Anal Cunt's riotous synthesis of 90s disaffection and National Socialist undertones on their album "Defeners of the Hate"; the rousing martial glory of Thielemann's Beethoven; the clairvoyant and optimistic premiere of a truly mass reception of the racially-informed opposition to the Zionistic migrant crisis in the soundtrack of Angry Birds: The Movie; or, if I may be so bold as to invite you to the youtube channel that perhaps started it all:
In summa, the full Realization of the culture of the internet alt-right, express'd in an Chart not more than twelve images for quick reference or methodical check-marking
Maybe if you picked up a book once and a while, and rather than flipped the pages with bereft eyes actually absorbed its contents and prosaic power, you would also know of such a lexicon.
you have problems dude, and it has nothing to do with your politics.
you should seriously seek mental help.
She broke a fucking glass bottle over a woman's face just for being black. That's more than anything you've ever done in the name of racism.
Or is it you, with your quick flight to anger--much like Milton's Satan, who descending with the files of his curs'd kin through chaos on to that final doomed prison known to us so vulgarly as Hell--that needs to seek the attention of a serious professional.
For how much more irrational and truly mentally scarred could one be than to draw such horrid conclusions merely from a discussion, with a finely read and philosophical fellow such as myself, on the internet.
It seems that the insecurities, which float in you much the way that Ivory leviathan that haunt the azure seas of Melville's classic Tome, start to come out amongst the strangers that you interact with, much rather than your parents, whom of you are quite afraid due to your apparent autistic tendencies and their desires for a normal and happy life, with a normal and happy son.
It's so funny that everyone on Sup Forums is scared of Sup Forums. It's like how Reddit think Sup Forums is a terrifying place.
holy fucking shit dude
Now listen, LISTEN, and weep upon your vanity, and that measly life of yours.
Scared? More like mildly annoyed at how they shoehorn themselves into everything nowadays.
Great memes, fun happenings, but too many ideologues.
Nobody's afraid of Sup Forums. It's just that this thread is a tumor.
Don't listen to this fag, please stay.
Needs some Coutnry
>says the nigger
How cute.
>tfw no qt white nationalist gf
and what then, O what do you suppose yourself the better? 'Tis easy to contrive such vain corruptions of the self when one is naught but a fool; I suppose this the case with thyself, and no question is thus posed for in my own utterance I control both answer and sentence.
I will be misheard here, and you, the arbitrator--or so you arbitrate yourself as such to be--of my word will make me stoop down to the level of the jester. O but jest, or gestate, that is truly the dispute!
Whilst you frolic upon this summertime board, spouting once and a while thine opinion to these compatriots of yours you lack the inner necessity of vital ambrosial nectar, that which can only be found atop Parnassus.
O but as if thee wert not low enough, 'stead of atop that mountain thou do not linger at base nor just below its horizon. Nay thee linger on its opposite peak! Much as when our Florentine troubadour descended only to ascend!
Yes if in the reverse, then and only then, atop the that 90th degree, then you'd know the truth!
You know not yourself!
wow. the bantz. I can't handle it. btfo and whatnot.
Go go bed Ulysse
O but my friend, that passé hack--excuse my french--is not the same as who here haunts and with cerebral multitudes expels thy idiocies.
Try, O try to blame this upon that stańczyk, whom the King of Ithaca so unknowingly gifted his name.
this explains 911
holy fucking shit dude
I swear every iteration of Sup Forums is like a progressively worse /mlp/ with how they love spreading their shit everywhere
don't even try to fucking explain yourself, you are a sperg.
made me kek tbqh
Unfortunately we are not here for the keks, we want, rather than your laughter (though still proud to take it), your eventual support of the movement, spear-headed by Tila Tequila Esq.
Pick up a fucking dictionary you mong.
It seems the one in need of such a humble book is you my friend, if my locutions have soar'd above your vapid head.
It seems just appropriate the time now to start posting our goddess
It was only a couple years ago that Tila Tequila debuted her philosophical treatises through the form of musical entertainment. It was such works as "Sex" and "I fucked the DJ" that Tila combined her respective sexual diamorphic traits with the bombastic, "Aryan" antiquity (see: "Intro") that the Third Reich channeled through their ancient symbolism and terms, relating to the biological history of the Northern races. The ontological premises of her aesthetic are radically anti-semitic, waging a war against the Anglo-mercantilistic pop music machine and the Fury and Pomp of Russo-Communist propaganda --- instead, her music reaches for something primeval, sexually fecund, back before the Platonic plague of Being-unto-Death reached itself upon the Euroasian empires.
Quoth Der Fuhrer: "the psychology of the masses are feminine" . . . Tila takes this message at face value, and creates the orgasmic reaction to the Volkisch weltanschauung.
>Le entry-level black metal (The self-titled no less)
>Le entry-level edgy grindcore
>Le entry-level classical (Beethoven symphonies 1, 2 and 3? Fucking shoot me)
>Bunch of random bullshit
>He doesn't appreciate good music because he is afraid of being called entry level to some Bengalian beer crafting cult
Top lul le lel Beethoven's third by Thielemann is actually an obvious nod to Napoleonic Alexandrianism and you don't know shit about classical music
is funny cuz she not white :)
She, she not white? And I suppose that you, you chandala, think that you are of the whitest flesh, that akin to Hera's arms.
O no my dear friend, she is of the white race, and you squabble amongst the blacks.
See this is exactly why nobody likes Sup Forums. Can't go more than 30 minutes without shitposting. Sup Forums is shitposting central but at least we stay on topic.
It's not shitposting when it's true.
Not knowing about some useless trivia you've learned on Wikipedia doesn't make me any less knowledgeable about the music, son. By the way, have you ever heard one of his late string quartets live or do you just put on YouTube compilations as background noise so you can pretend you're smart while shitposting on the politics section of an anime imageboard?
The first three symphonies are decent or their own, but giving them privileged spot on a chart like this? You could have at least picked the 9th or 7th if you wanted to appear a bit less like a bunch of total posturing retards.
Yes of course I've listened to them.
I really don't think you understand the point of the chart, because if you paid a single fucking ounce of attention you would notice that it was for the purpose of the redpill and pol-core.
It wasn't about what Beethoven piece was best, the fucking Eroica symphony--which was really the target, not 1 and 2--is fucking tailor-made for the.
You are a fucking idiot.