Are k240s still worth buying or has something better dethroned them?

Are k240s still worth buying or has something better dethroned them?

I'm wearing a pair right now.

I still say they're at the top of their league, maybe the MDRV6 as a rival in a similar price range but those are closed back so I'd still go with the k240s

same lol


Meeee toooooo!

is this a troll thread?

how are $60 headphones the best?

Jokes on you I bought these for 5 bucks when they were on sale.

best for the under 100 price range for sure

Takstar Fa mie lia

from Amazon:

> As I type this review I'm listening to a track I've been working on in FL Studio and hearing all sorts of things that I've never been able to pick out before. I'm excited because I know these will most certainly help take my production quality to the next level.


uh.. what's so funny dude? i wrote that

i really hope you did, you fucking autist

dude did you really believe me what the fuck who uses fl studio

yes they took a %40 dive in price but are on the quality level of the $100-150 bracket. there are absolutely vastly superior headphones but not for $60 on amazon.


Takstar F am I lia

>chinkland knockoffs
but which one are you even talking about there are tons.

>Not buying a pair of Grado sr80 for $79.99, pic related, great balanced clean sound plus cool look for under $100

>cool look
Sorry senpai those aren't very pretty


not a bad headphone but nice try.

they work really well with great quality and last a long ass time, duh
>implying discussing a headphone pair is trolling

>Not spending $55,000 on the Sennheiser Orpheus headphones with built in amplifier.
Utterly pleb tier

>cool look
top kek

The SR60 are better in every way. They literally are the only good grados also...and they're pretty great. It has the best frequency response with the least distorition of any including the over 1000 dollar John Grados.

But the SR80 is just an inferior version.

I have a pair, they're great for the price. Sound is balanced and the soundstage is very large. If you have long hair, the adjustable tabs will tangle with your hair


Are these gud for anything over than mixing and music?

How are they for vidya and moovies?

What exactly do you mean by, good for? Do you want more bass or like surround or something?

I've had mine for a year and a half, love em to death. Especially with the knowledge that the cord is replaceable. Can't take em outside, though.

I honestly don't know what a priority is for me when it comes to sound. I've never bought a nice pair of headphones before, just a shitty Logitech headset, so i don't have much experience.


That sounds preferable with movies and games