/daily/ - "roasted fish" edition

It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)!

Listen to your library, show off your backlog, babble about new music, tell us what you've been listening to today and what you will listen to in the following month, pity Jangle's Thrift Tourney, listen to Keiji Haino scream, and just let the good times flow.

>the new topsters

>we link this out of respect

>for when you want to say dumb things but don't want them to be found in the archive

>plug, but with emotes instead of avatars that crawled out of uncanny valley

>site with templates, OP covers, archive, & random stuff

Ask about our Skype group if you're interested! You'll never get a response, but fuck it.

Most importantly, get taste!

Previously on /daily/:

Other urls found in this thread:


>making the new thread twice in a row
what a threadslut

thanks i try

>End of The world as We know it


james carr, the chameleons and peter walker are great, good job


at least he's not me

Caetano Veloso- Transa

If I ever get got at photoshop, I'll need to make a /daily/ meme version of this cover.

Russkoe Pole Eksperimentov, not Zdorovo i Vechno

Vechno is close, though I like Eksperimentov more

Cornell lab of ornithology- voices of north American owls

i dont get the appeal of keiji hano outside of a few collabs, whats the appeal

appreciate it

>get got

fucking phone

Eyy those were my recs, glad you liked 'em.
Are you familiar with Tim Buckley? I rec Dream Letter 1968.

Matana Roberts - Coin Coin Chapter One: Gens de couleur libres

im familiar with him, i liked a bit of starsailor but never listened to him after that. will check out, thanks!

eyy boss could i get in on this

guys STOP having good taste

Neil Ardley - A Symphony of Amaranths (1972)
>third stream

That first track is absolutely out of this world in every single way. An entire a-side of the most immaculately composed, bombastic, straight-up beautiful jazz music I've ever heard in my entire life. The b-side, however, is just a massive drop in quality, at least to me. It's nice enough, and I like Ivor Cutler's spoken word, but it doesn't even hold a candle to that immaculate a-side. It's just kinda bland.


listen to lee moses if you liked james carr.

also i think i've said this before but i really do like your taste, it's super varied, and it makes me wanna check out more springsteen besides Nebraska.

Gastr del Sol - Camoufleur
Seconding this
We'd have to start first desu

Trying a more compressed file size and we'll see how it looks

Ah, shit, sorry. Searching this shit in russian is hard. Mind just pasting the full "artist - title" how you want it and then I'll just use that image?

>and it makes me wanna check out more springsteen besides Nebraska.
Pro tip: really not worth it, but I haven't heard Nebraska. I get why people like him I guess, but I really do not, even after reading "Love Goes to Buildings on Fire" which I bet could sell him for quite a few people.


No more jokes about Neu! 2 now

>We'd have to start first desu

Grazhdanskaya Oborona - Russkoe Pole Eksperimentov


nebraska's very different from all his singles, a lot more sparse and folky. I'd check it out.

also i'd maybe change "tripfriend ots" to ruggles on the chart.

thanks, and do check out more Springsteen. I highly recommend The Wild, the Innocent & the E Street Shuffle thru The River. Almost impeccable run of albums.

Already heard, pretty meh for O'Rourke. The Serpentine Similar and Upgrade & Afterlife much better imo

thanks, already heard, fantastic record. Has she done anything else?

is it wrong that i unironically like this

Wow, I've never heard of Neu! 7


Looks good. Thanks for the add btw.
Woah, there's a Neu! 7? Gotta check that out sometime.
Damn ok.

Aren't you pretty new here? If you want though, sure. Shoot.

And no noticeable quality loss? Nice.

I nearly choked on my water. gg

recommend another one of his films?

it's actually Neu! 27

nah it's what ppl generally refer to as "perfect pop"

damn right im new here

so do i just list the albums or what

The Neu! boys have really been working hard haven't they
>tfw I haven't even watched Monogatari past the first ep of Bake and think Ren'ai Circulation is one of the greatest OPs of all time

What is Neu! 72? Are those lads still going hard?

What are /daily/'s favorite films?


>nebraska's very different from all his singles
So I've heard, and I've been meaning to check it out.

>also i'd maybe change "tripfriend ots" to ruggles on the chart.
Good catch. Thanks for reminding me

Just going to get "It's Such a Beautiful Day" out of the way now

Neu! are hardcore
Stalker, It's Such a Beautiful Day

I haven't watched these btw. They're just liked by a lot of /daily/ens.

you know those fuccs over at Germany can't stop working

Stalker, Eraserhead, It's Such a Beautiful Day, Raging Bull

She has a couple new installments in the Coin Coin series, but I've yet to hear them.

Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors

that one meme film about that stick figure with the top hat that makes me cry every FUCKING TIME

that and dazed and confused

i don't watch too many films

You don't want to know what I do here

Evolution (2001)

Jurassic Wolrd

Corneilus - Fantasma

Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run

Jiro Inagaki & Soul Media - Funky Stuff

cool, im hyped

bathory's blood fire death seems just like more of the s/t debut, but without the lo-fi charm. the intro was also muuuuuch less cool than that from s/t.

ulver was much more placid and dulling than I expected. I don't think atmospheric metal is for me.

zappa's absolutely free was great, i'll probably enjoy it again sometime in the not-too-distant future.

daikanjyo had a few bits that I found rather agreeable, but mostly bored me with it's meandering (but by no means unskilled) path. I think the drummer was my favorite of the trio.

Tell me your secret, user

absolutely unparalleled

Perhaps he's Doopeesposter


Wew, that would be p Doopee desu

What do you think Takashi Mizutani is doing right now?

What do you think Gero 30 is doing right now?

What do you think Keiji Haino is doing right now?

Damn, I missed your Satie review. Glad to see you liked it, though!

I'm considerably new yet i'm in there
Listen to it right now my dude. Fucking great album

I basically just said that I thought it sounded lovely, but I'm not enthralled by it. I might be a classical pleb, it seems like even some of the best pieces I've ever heard I only listen to on occasion. I also could see how he influenced future composers, notably Yann Tiersen and his Amelie soundtrack

I hope Fish recovers from being roasted last thread. He's nice but too dumb for his own good sometimes.

hosono house goat

on it amigo

Yo Nyar, i listened to an album and for some reason thought about you. Not even sure why, maybe you should give it a listen
>Junior Boys - Last Exit

Xiu Xiu - Plays the Music of Twin Peaks (2016)
>experimental rock, art rock

Overblown as hell, and the more droney bits don't do anything for me, but overall this does do a nice job at modernizing Badalamenti's original score for Twin Peaks and making it more sinister and disturbed. The version of "Falling" here is exceptional, but then there are tracks that are just too far up their own ass, which I guess is a problem with a lot of Xiu Xiu's work. Overall I do have to say I enjoyed it, and it does it's job well.


Return to Forever - Romantic Warrior (1976)
>jazz fusion, jazz-rock

This is so fucking goofy, oh my god. It's almost lovable, but the way that this just exceptionally goofy sounding music is balanced with the extreme wank of its instrumentals is just...baffling, to say the least. It's got a few things that I like, the drumming is exceptional and "The Magician" is honestly a great song, but this is just too goofy and wanky for my tastes. Still /slightly/ enjoyable as a whole.


I was blown away by it; I think I listened to it twice through back to back my first listen.
I was like 3/4 of the way through just thinking "OH SHIT I can't wait to listen to this again immediately!!"
Shit's tight.

>Not liking the intentionally over-the-top jazz tribute to fusion and thinking it's goofy unironically


>>Junior Boys - Last Exit
I'm pretty glad you thought of me and brought it to my attention, but I'm not into this record. I seldom enjoy such prominently electronic music.
I appreciate it though friend

eh, even if it is ironic i still don't care for it. it's a technical marvel though.

You gave it a 10, yeah? I put it in there because of that. I almost always look in to anything I see /daily/ review with a 10/10

I still have it in the 9 category because it takes me a very long time to promote something to a 10.
It's inevitable, though.
You must have grabbed it off another user, I remember seeing a 10 review not too long ago.

Yeah no worries. I don't know why it reminds me of you tho

Good Morning /daily/!

Final Jelly Roll CD now.

>You must have grabbed it off another user, I remember seeing a 10 review not too long ago.
Yeah it was rather recent.
The 10 reviews here are always compelling. Kerr gave
Jessica Pratt- on your own love again
a 10 review, so I looked into it, and it became a 10 and my '15 AOTY (album of the decade so far in fact, barring the King Krule EP).
I'm looking forward to the Jandek record on my chart- dogwander gave it a 10 and a well-written review.

I wonder what it was now! Something about the lyrics, perhaps? Anyway, thanks again. Do I have you on rym? I can't remember. I'm ~crawling_chaos . I'll have to recommend you something soon

Good morning doggo
Actually it's night here
And I'm about to sleep
Bye for now

Wow, that gif is much more depressing then I remembered
I guess I got it mixed up with that cozy Christmas one I used to have

good night!

Good night Lercheman. Also, yes that is a depressing gif ;_;

Just added you on RYM. I guess it was the vibe of The album. Who knows. Or maybe i'm confusing you with someone else. You liked Hawaii Pt 2 right?

Kek the method on pepe's screen is Defenestration

>You liked Hawaii Pt 2 right?
I do. There's a few songs I usually skip but there's a couple I love.
Good friend Rodriguez adores that record

Still a method of suicide tho, innit

u know it.
that reminds me, have you heard the record pale machine by bo en?

give me comfy japanese synthpop

anybody know of a good book for learning about classical music (both theory and history, but mostly history)

how do you do your freeform charts (what site/program)

i use paint.net and just put 120x120 albums on a 1560x720 canvas

ok I might completely steal that method later thanks





I used Kamien's Music:An Appreciation. It didn't stress on theory all that much but you figure out how to follow specific passages of scores, starting with simple monophonic medieval compositions.

go ahead! i think i stole it from somebody else here anyway

Pig rest.

Sleep tite pigger

Then you should check it too GFR. I don't know why i got a vibe from it, since they are very different

If you haven't heard Haruomi Hosono - Pacific
you should.
But you probably have.

4 new albums just went up on my label btw. mine's the cold tones one if you just want to listen to that, but they're all pretty good.

Lullatone - Plays Pajama Pop Pour Vous
Frenesi - Cupra
bo en - Pale Machine (lel, it's true though.)
i'm excited to hear it.

OK, so it is 8 CDs of Jelly Roll Morton and some of his contemporaries (CD8 only) talking about the basis of the New Orleans jazz composing. Jelly Roll explains the inspirations behind his compositions, talks about what pieces he heard in what dollhouses and plays them all. The 1938 recordings get progressively darker with very obscene compositions on disc 5 and 6. Disc 7 features Jelly playing some guitar in a similar style inspired by dixieland with occasional country blues motifs. It actually reminded me of John Fahey a lot.

The final CD is recollection of Morton’s contemporaries who give a background on what it was like to perform jazz in the early days, the racial barriers, the locations they played in. Occasional pieces are played.

Overall I think this is a legendary historical document that reveals a lot about the birth of jazz composition and arrangements. Morton always keeps it interesting by adding on stories from his life and a break-down of the compositions right as he plays them. The guy talks a lot. I’ll give this a 9 because it not only features great compositions that slowly abandon the ragtime influences on the piano playing, but also stress on how important classical arrangements and the life situations of Jelly Roll Morton were for his music. Definitely check this out.


I'm new to japanese pop. I'm trying to find more like Ryo Maruoka, it's so comfy. Thank for the recs! Now I have a huge backlog. Which one should I begin with?


the one with the nicest title

if you're doing Japanese pop, this one is essential imo

Okay, those do not sound like the stuff I recced. Try checking out my recs sometime though to see if you like em. Anyway, based on the links I'd rec this:


one day Alan Lee will be worthy of /daily/ meme status.... one day...

How come so many /boys/ are from Italy?

it changes every week but prolly Dead Man or Brain Damage

also what are /daily/core films?
>It's Such a Beautiful Day
>Star Spangled to Death
what else? Tetsuo maybe? Satantango?

...and friends

We should make a /daily/core list, but for movies.

Checking all of them anyway. Thanks!

Hope you enjoy em