>Favorite album
>Favorite philosopher
Let's see the correlation.
>Favorite album
>Favorite philosopher
Let's see the correlation.
What is this Spongebob meme called and when will it recieve a Know Your Meme entry?
>Since I Left You
Just for a Day
I have yet to find a philosopher that is positive about human existence so if their is one out there, thats my favorite
>Vauxhall And I
>OK Computer
The Money Store
Stefan Burnett
>lift yr skinny fists
Mr Bungle/Frances the Mute
This a cringe thread?
>Stefan Burnett
Yep, it's a cringe thread.
I expect to see 200 Nietzsche's by the end of this thread
Albert Camus
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
Alan Watts
Misunderstandings of Nietzsche are pretty cringe, but there is no way to know if these people are misinterpreting.
I dunno if I ever found any cringey "fans" of Kierkegaard though, at least not cringey in their liking of his writings.
do you know any philosophers that are positive about life
dude I hate Nietzsche but fucking Camus cmon now
This makes sense. I kind of feel like Laughing Stock = Albert Camus, Close to the Edge = Alan Watts, and Feels = Hermann Hesse.
Opinion disregarded, tripfag
It's cringey in the sense that you walk into a room and everyone swears that pizza is their favorite food.
>do you know any philosophers that are positive about life
the original nu-males
Please inform me
I think Marx would be closer to pizza than Nietzsche to be honest.
Nietzsche is more like steak.
>blood on the tracks/freak out
Frigid Stars - Codeine
>Nietzsche is more like steak.
Inconsequential distinction.
The point is that if your favorite is a self-hating pessimist or nihilist (Schopenhauer / Zappfe / Ligotti / Cioran) you are the ultimate self-hating cuck and will probably die miserable and alone.
If your favorite is Nietzsche you're probably just a mallgoth.
random spirit lover - sunset rubdown
So then what's wrong with Kierkegaard?
>do you know any philosophers that are positive about life
Kierkegaard is DEFINITELY positive about life. I'd also recommend Heidegger, though I wouldn't say he's positive or negative about it, but certainly focuses on the angst of living
Same tier of masturbatory half-baked epiphany and razzle dazzle romanticism.
People read it because it sounds pretty and 'essential'. They don't read it for insight.
>36 Chambers
Marquee Moon
Polly Bradfield - Solo Violin Improvisations
Viscountess Anne Conway
- girls - father son holy ghost
- nitzsche i guess
i don't really read philosophy
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I would literally shoot you with a gun.
>Soundtracks for The Blind
>Sun Tzu
Marx is a, raw, bad-quality beef.
His ideas sound good on paper but when you actually execute them they are trash.
u don't know what ur talking abt fgt
anyone who said their favourite philosopher is kierkegaard, nietzsche, camus or heidegger is a pleb
Nietzsche is actually top 5 most profound philosophers but a bunch of acne ridden teens who listen to things solely for their rateyourmusic account saying they like him is just kekworthy. Also kekworthy are undergraduate alcoholic hipsters attending community college and thinking they have better tastes than Nietzsche despite liking Rousseau or some shit like that l m f a o have fun being a pastoral farm animal for the rest of your life fucking pathetic claw-less 18th century egalitarian pussrag
Ween - The Mollusk
Erich Fromm
>Super æ
from the philosophers shown in the pic i would go with : ( drums )
>hurr durr marx sounds gud on paper but doesnt work out in reality
Wow how many fucking times have I heard that one?
The actual truth is that Marx is fucking horrible on paper too because it is acidic corrosion of your brain and spirit
I know
I'm from Brazil and I experienced having a president that followed Marxism and absolutely destroyed the economy for 6 years until she was impeached.
She rigged the elections by the way.
woah woah woah - roussef is a Marxist ? no wonder they impeached her !! curse you
Good, thanks for the philosophical recs
well I'm not going to try to convince you otherwise but it seems to me that you might have misunderstood kierkegaard. I always thought he was nothing more than rather simple anti-nihilist philosophy.
>The process of Belief
holy shit that is the most Sup Forums list of philosophers I've ever seen. kys whoever made it
Look man, Nietzsche was a linguist. Even at sentence composition, he doesn't hold a candle to his constituents of the zeitgeist from which his work was written.
People like him because he's easy to consume; he's easy to consume because the conceptual meanderings of his work are roads to nowhere. He's a waste of time beyond basic familiarity of his literature.
Marcus Aurelius.
Don't know many philosophers. Which to read? I have recently reached a comfort with myself after undergoing a psychedelic induced psychosis.
Nietzsche has been appropriated in support of the neoliberal agenda
>his ideas sound good on paper but when you actually execute them they are trash
what ideas? have you actually read Marx? he doesn't have ideas to "execute". his philosophy was based on critiquing and analyzing capitalism, not on suggesting ideas to "execute"
>Sun Tzu
>simple anti-nihilist philosophy
Do you know how easy that is to do?
I'm not bullshitting here, Kierkegaard could compose the fuck out of a sentence, much more so than anything Nietzsche did. He's the superior writer by far, no contest.
>Is he enjoyable?
>Is he particularly insightful?
>Is it a good starting point / entry into more substantial philosophy?
What I tried to say is that when his (brutally flawed) arguments against capitalism are presented to the majority, they seem to be decent, anyway, what is wrong with Sun Tzu?
communism is the idea
>presidents control the economy
no you fucking idiot. with the logic you're showing, the economy was great during lula because he's a Marxist.
p.s. - your economy is in a recession because recessions are an inherent part of capitalism, which Marx was writing about 200 years ago. Not because of the political beliefs of a single politician
what are you, 12? moron
My nigga.
You mean in like "Stefan Molyneux" ?
his critiques of capitalism are excellent though. for example, your country's economy is in shambles right now, yet a decade ago things were looking very promising. Marx wrote extensively how unstable capitalism is, and you're living in that reality right now.
communism existed before Marx did. Marx didn't really write so much about communism, actually. he mostly focused on capitalism. one of the greatest critiques of Marx is that he actually didn't suggest any specifics of what a post-capitalist society would look like, he just was able to point out the shitty stuff about capitalism
>in which poorfags stage a violent beta uprising and kill rich people for being more successful than them
>his arguments seem to be decent
>what are you, twelve?
>lol who got time for that shit
people still do this???
>this strawman
you should probably read marx before you say more stupid shit about him. I mean, its cool if you disagree with marx, a lot of people do. but don't you want to know your enemies? you clearly don't
no, peter molyneux
The economy was not great during Lula.
>the president controls the party
>the party controls the economy
>your country's economy is in shambles right now, yet a decade ago things were looking very promising
Guess who was elected ten years ago?
Another marxist.
It's really sad what academic niggertheory does to one's brain. See, boys who are not yet in university, this is what you do not what to become: someone who is so engrossed in worthless thinkers of the 20th century, who see everything as a "problem" of language, who are so entangled in their own awkwardness and its confrontation with real emotions, that when they come across a sentence like "Of all things written I care only for what is written in blood," they hear only the sentence composition !!
Do you understand? The man says, "I care for words that mean something," and this academic comments after his death, "the man cared for words that meant nothing"
So disgusting
buddy uh yeah he did, and no shit communism existed before marx. marxism explicitly calls for the publicization of the means of production and global communism. Marx himself stated "up until this point philosophers have merely examined the world; the point is to change it" or something along those lines. lenin put marx's work into action, despite marx not thinking a russian communist revolution possible, etc
>not even 100 posts
>the thread already turned into a mess
>communism existed before Marx did.
That's wrong.
>this misunderstanding of fallacy
Marx endorsed liberation of the gentle laborer proxied by violent uprising.
This is an undisputed fact. And you think that when presented to the public, this idea would reflect as generally decent.
>Ayn Rand
>Dark Side of the Moon
>my friend Travis when we're stoned
Marx was a product of his time. socialism existed long before marx. marx had many rivals in the international
It all makes sense now.
>worthless thinkers of the 20th century
>who are so entangled in their own awkwardness and its confrontation with real emotions
If you honestly think that highly of Nietzsche you probably read Thus Spake once and wear combat boots.
>that when they come across a sentence like "Of all things written I care only for what is written in blood," they hear only the sentence composition !!
Sentence composition is pretty fundamental to the craft of lit.
>Do you understand? The man says, "I care for words that mean something"
Was he being facetious? Most of his life was characterized by meaningless words.
>So disgusting
peart pls leave
>the party controls the economy
>guess who was elected 10 years ago?
also, Lula was elected in 2003. during his presidency Brazil saw huge gains in its economic performance. Lula's presidency ended with very high approval ratings for this very reason
Wolfi Landstreicher
>All this kids posting Nietzsche
Yeah literature not philosophy retard
go back to sucking your critical theorist professors gay or black dick (or clit) and stop posting about shit you know nothing about.
>literature not philosophy retard
are there any websites for books like rym for music or letterboxd for movies?
John Stuart Mill
Feist- Let it die
jack london, although he's not by any means a philosopher, he's probably influenced my view of life more than any other person
>Tim Buckley - Starsailor
>Carl Jung
>The Smiths: Strangeways Here We Come
>Julius Evola
>The Monitor
>being a literal Marxist
Downward Spiral
Jean-Paul Sartre
Hmm. idk if I have a favorite album. Loveless is up there, and I have nostalgic feels for Taylor Swift's Fearless. With regards to philosophers I like a lot of them. Nagel is great, Longino has some good stuff. I'll always have a soft spot for Descartes and Leibniz. Spinoza is great too.
>tfw philosophy major
The money store
>do you know of any philosophers that are positive about life?
>dude I hate Nietzsche
Why? He affirms life and existence