What is the worst music subreddit?

I vote /r/lewronggeneration. I don't like born in the wrong generation kidz, but the commenters there are insanely insecure about liking pop music.

/r/lewronggeneration, /r/indieheads, and /r/hiphopheads are all terrible, like to the point where /r/music doesn't seem so bad.

/r/Music, same shit as always

/r/indieheads is alright, the only annoying part is how circlejerk-y it gets at times which isn't a lot and happens with all subreddits

/r/vaporwave is pretty terrible

/r/deathgrips of course

You're hard pressed to find a music subreddit that isn't terrible, save a few ones exclusive to specific bands.

Redditors are nu-males. They're insecure losers that use art as a way of projecting their insecurities, they don't care about actual self expression.

They want to be cool and different but only in the lamest and most inoffensive way possible. They like bands like Mumford and Suns and Alt-J, not that dime a dozen radio pop. Or they did until those bands became a joke and it no longer served as something they could use to feel cool and different. They're too dumb, lazy, uninteresting and cowardly to evolve themselves artistically so they just turn their nose up at people who do that they don't like on a personal level.

Don't waste your time with those communities, the people are insufferable and as a tool it's almost useless.

Is this pasta?

>/r/indieheads is alright

r/indieheads is 10% of the Sup Forums essentials chart, with 0% of the banter. How is it worth visiting?

I like to go on /r/metal and downvote every band I recognize

Also, let me just quickly exemplify something.

Go to the top of /r/listentothis and see how many posts are synth wave, vapor wave, future funk or some slight variation of 80s styled dance music.

It's a common theme from bands that want to have some kind of artistic expression but can't invent it themselves so they just mimic something that already exists, just on the grounds that it's old. That makes it cool.

If these people grew up in the 80s they'd be going on faux-intellectual rants about how all modern music is crap and mimicking something else. They turn their nose up at EDM artists like Skrillex and Nero but think bright tacky 80s music is so fun and awesome.

But not even that, they still approach it with the angle of "hahahaha satirical" look at the people with their ridiculous clothing and moustaches they said in their jean jacket and man bun.


Why'd you think that, because I used a couple big words? I don't explicitly go out of my way to sound like an idiot when I'm making a point.

>caring about reddit

go away

denim jackets are one of the least offensive articles of clothing I can think of, calm your autism pal

>weeb cartoon shit

When people post their shit no one has the balls to say that it sounds like hell
And it's all blues wankery or shit tier metal

Really all of Reddit is shit, but some subreddits are useful for news for a community or hobby

That's the point. "Self expression" to those people is just a way of projecting their insecurities, they're too cowardly to actually act or accomplish anything interesting.

>calm your autism pal
Why am I autistic, I have a strong opinion about something?

Sorry I'll try to be cool and profound like you and just scoff silently at everything instead

/r/guitar is still better than /gg/.


In fact, fuck this whole thread. You're all faggots.

what does a denim jacket have to do with anything and why are you so upset about them

I don't like Facebook either but I occasionally use it as a tool to accomplish things.

Use your brain, you troglodyte. I didn't say I liked it.

go back to Sup Forums, spastic

Did you reply to the wrong person? Some subreddits can be useful but this thread is fucking stupid and just for circlejerking about which one you hate the most. Literally no reason to have this type of bullshit here.

Make me. :^)

>what does a denim jacket have to do with anything
It exemplifies wanting to look cool and different but only in the laziest and most inoffensive way possible.

Obviously nothing inherently wrong with it but those people tend to just pretend to like those things on the grounds that it makes them look cool, but only in lamest and blandest way possible because they don't want to offend anyone by expressing themselves in some way.

Redditors don't care about self expression or artistic merit, it's all just a way of protecting their egos and making them feel like they look cool.

>Some subreddits can be useful but this thread is fucking stupid and just for circlejerking about which one you hate the most.
That's a nonsequitor. You've confused yourself.

I'm talking about why music communities on reddit aren't very good. Have you got a rebuttal?

and the autists of Sup Forums are any better how?

>thread goes from Reddit to arguing about whether music poseurs wear denim jackets
This website is so mother fucking autistic.

r/lewronggeneration is so boring, all they do is screencap comments of 14 year old kids saying "I'm mature for my age and I like the Beatles not justine gayber XD". That kinda stuff is funny at first, but gets old fast.

They aren't. They're only a hair less nu-male than reddit

This community is virtually useless and I only come here for the meme nonsense

It's anonymous so if you want discussion, you're getting unfiltered responses for better or worse.
On Reddit all that matters is saying what's popular so that you can get upvotes and feet your precious internet fame. Leads to people posting canned, safe things instead of actually debating or criticizing.
Reddit is good for porn and that's it.

i can see that
>unironically defending this shit hole

grow some self awareness pls

jesus christ you're an autist

And then they proceed to completely miss the point of the community by giving more credence to modern music than it deserves and labelling everyone that criticizes modern music as "le wrong generation"

They just want to look profound and feel like they have an opinion on something

Just wanted to remind you Cuckronel Sanders endorsed a Wall Street shill. There is your hero you fucking cucks.

If you reading this FEEL THE BERN.

They are also absolutely incapable of detecting satire. It often flies over the heads of every single poster in the comments section.

Also, trigger warning for pic related.

because of course a namefag would like reddit, and of course of course a namefag would be on Sup Forums
