Which album gave you the most feels, user?
Which album gave you the most feels, user?
not even the best Microphones album desu
What is the best Microphones album?
I like Mount Eerie most than straight-up Microphones
the glow pt 2 because it's a quite nostalgic album that's personal and individual to the listener in a sense, hospice is just trying really hard to be generically sad
Mount Eerie
Mount Eerie shits all over this thing. TGP2 is good but too aimless and meandering. It really starts to fall apart after all the ambient stuff ends.
it was also released on 9/11
if you say le elephant album XD it's because you are a teenage pleb and you were unable to appreciate all the layers and themes of hospice
The anniversary of the CIA backed Chilean coup d'etat against a democratically elected government?
Agreed, tgp2 feels more legitimate, like the sad emotions just come out naturally. Hospice feels like it's trying to make these emotions come out. It's still not a bad album, but Undersea is the best thing the Antlers have done.
Hospice reminds me of my parents...
tpg2 because I've never listened to hospice
no you pinko rat, the only 9/11 that actually matters
Because a disease my gf has.
It's Hospice for anyone in a relationship, TGP2 for the rest.
this over anything
i still think it's hospice but
>tfw no gf
Definitely The Glow Pt. 2
The first time i ever listened to this album was also the first time i ever went on a plane.
The mix of excitement and nostalgic saddness was one of the best feelings I've ever experienced.
It hit me like a ton of bricks and i fucking loved it!