what music do fat chicks listen to
What music do fat chicks listen to
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My dick
idk ask ur mom
The Smiths - Some Girls Are Bigger Than Others
Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, Nirvana, Sonic Youth
pretty much only fat skanks with multi colored hair listen to those trash "grunge" bands
Sir-Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
I like these threads
That fat chick who sings about bass
>High test thickness
>westeros map
who is this and how do i marry her
>only weird people listen to the music i don't like
stufferdb . com
the holy bible
Blood on the dance floor
Sonic youth ain't trash bro
fuck you dumbass bitch go listen to your fake ass grunge shit music.
DAE LE BOTDF SUCKS???!!! shut the fuck up i bet you haven't even listened to their discog
Arctic Monkeys
>High test
Fat chicks are fat chicks bro. No "high test" meme is going to make it masculine to settle down with a whale.
Twenty one faggots
who cares
Who's she?
>settle down
That's not part of the plan
they're total trash
t. low test beta
I want to stick my erect penis in this woman's vagina and thrust until I ejaculate semen into her cervix.
the whole "high test/low test" thing was started to making fun of closet pedos/homos who claim to prefer flat chested/short haired women. then it got hijacked by fatties
Ha Ha Ha
Meagan Trainor
Twenty One Pilots
Lana Del Rey
Avenged Sevenfold
Marilyn Manson
Falling In Reverse
chance the rapper
do you not like short haired women?
Within Temptation
Lacuna Coil
Hollywood Undead
Twenty One Pilots
Blood On The Dancefloor
speaking as a man dating one
>bright eyes
>patti smith
>the shins
>the shins
more like the chins lolololol
Lol fa m i li
same user here
No it wasnt you dumb faggot
You fucks don't get it
They don't "listen" to anything in the sense you're talking about
What they do is find a random hipster shit playlist on Spotify or 8tracks and listen to whatever the fuck comes on next.
Music doesn't matter as much as it does to people here to normalfags.
Adele obviously, the depressed fat chick they can relate to
is this actually an acceptable body type by male standards?
no, GoT fans are just fatasses
>has giant saggy tits and at least a 5/10 face
only acceptable to fat dudes with 5/10 faces
ha. thats kind of what i figured.
i always get thrown off when dudes talk about "thickness"
how thick is 2thick
That body is made for BBC
>Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, Sonic Youth
>Bikini Kill, Le Tigre, Nirvana, Sonic Youth
Those are all great bands though.
That body's made for cheeseburgers
this is accurate
she looks like she's pregnant
Queen- Fat Bottomed Girls
Twenty One Pilots
source: I have a qt fat gf
Probably Meghan Trainor and Christian rock.
god damn i love azismiss
I can't stop thinking about how unhealthy it is. It's just a heart attack waiting to happen.
Strictly Fall Out Boy
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