You now remember bae

you now remember bae

Other urls found in this thread:


Your ex

who's the grill?
post her music


What kind of fucking casual do you take me for?

Is that bad? How do I stop being ex?

>le look up and to the left girl

I'd love to eat her snowflakes with plastic forks if you know what I mean

There are people on mu right now who have never had a girlfriend

[spoiler]they think they understand feels in sad breakup music [/spoiler]


I do too had a girl friend! And she is was really HOT and we have a lot of SEX! That's how BABY'S are mad!
classic meme

>sad breakup music

sad breakup music is for plebs, kiddo

*whispers softly in your ear while lazily fingerpicking arpeggiated chords on my guitar with 2 fucking pencils as a makeshift capo*

ive never had a girlfriend

whats a girlfriend?

Thank you for showing me her

thanks for this

You probably didn't



>There are people on Sup Forums right now who have had a girlfriend
>they think thy understand feels at all


>never had a gf
Get me off this wild ride

>tfw I'm the sole reason I'm single and have fucked up a lot of prospective relatioships in the last 6 months.

Celibacy is the only option.

yeah like its fucking annoying to see couples when you dont know where its socially accepted to make contacts without seeming like sexual harrasment abuser or whatever the fuck fucking SJWs said this week to make me hate living

meanwhile you got chads getting hooked all the time with no effort. im so tired.

I don't really have a problem finding one if I really want to, it's just that my standards are too high and I don't really care about getting a gf until I get in my bed and cuddle my pillow and wish I got someone to cuddle.

didn't I? dumb pleb!

>tfw scared to death of intimacy and commitment but don't wanna be alone anymore

>have one relationship
>maladjusted and unaware of it
>burn the whole thing to ash and lose all my friends in the process
>wise up enough to form a reasonable, if vapid public face
>still an absolute degenerate behind the scenes
>very aware of abandonment issues stemming from childhood that prevent me from seeking meaningful relationships of any sort
>30 years old and I'm wasting my time green texting on Sup Forums and not doing my job
>anonymous peeps on the Internet are the closest thing I have to friends

Thanks op. I needed a good dose of depression to get me through the day. Look at me. Look at me and laugh.

This is for the patrish out there:

tfw live 2 hours away from girlfriend and only see her about 2 days every week.

Are you me?

Is this the girl who did the trailer trash cover?

Are you me?

>these gosh darned teenagers and their blooming music, why won't they read a good book like I did when I was young: the study


Oh man how I relate to this

I've legit known at least three girls who fit this description to a T wow

[semen intensifies]

Oh yeah well I have an anime gf and she says you're a faggot

anybody knows her instagram page?

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who listen to "sad breakup music"

Girl in OP is onyourwings. Apparently she deleted all her shit?

there's mega links on the archive though

I will post her fb if 10 people listen amd rate this song


this is the video it OP pic is taken from
you're welcome famalam

Are you me?