Is there any prog rock from after the 1970s worth listening to aside from The Mars Volta and Steven Wilson?

Is there any prog rock from after the 1970s worth listening to aside from The Mars Volta and Steven Wilson?

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There was no prog worth listening to even in the 70s

>The Mars Volata
>Steven Wilson
>worth listening to
haha not for you there isn't
I'll listen to some Tigran Hamyasan though to get me through this dark age of prog
fuck off


I, too, am triggered by some Sup Forums nobody's opinion on a dead genre for nerds

Koenjihyakkei, Höyry-Kone and other more "avant-prog" bands are nice. Dunno about more traditional 70s style prog.

I normally dislike prog, but fsr I thought Opeth's Pale Communion was phenomenal.

you're the only one

fuck off

I think it depends how you're defining prog and what exactly you're looking for.



please die in a fire

Sup Forums sleeps on this band so hard

Holy cringe

>implying anyone can have a bad enough music taste to not enjoy rush

sleep seen circa twice


I don't even like Steven Wilson that much and I've never heard anything by the Mars Volta. I think modern prog is far from progressive on a fundamental musical level. I sew vintage prog of the 60's and 70's as a step in the progressive development of music, and I think that post rock is what it was leading to. Even Godspeed You! Black Emperor sound like a more authentic take on prog than any current prog, and later Talk Talk albums are equal to the very best of prog rock.

I agree
god tier band

>any prog
>worth listening

Brain by Once and Future band

I don't think these guys have much music, but I think this will be what you're looking for

I enjoy it a lot desu

We get it, you love cock

Check these albums


Here is some chart with 90s stuff but it's not complete

Cold soup

I'd highly recommend checking out TMV, I discovered them a few weeks ago and can't stop listening to their first two albums

Yeah you're so right on dude, these nerdy posers should be modern Sup Forumsmales like us and embrace the living, sexual genre of hippity hop like our wives' boifriends and sons

Don't underestimate these poptimists

>yfw they're waving goodbye to Jackson, foreshadowing his departure

paul is dead btw

Mr Bungle

Seriously how was this not suggestion number 1

Bedlam is also pretty good, though FTM and Deloused are obviously superior

Jesus Sup Forums doesn't know shit about prog
Stick to hip hop and indie rock




all of those album covers are disgusting

guess it was the 90s

Add some Bungle come on

Yeah they don't look trendy enough to put on a T-shirt

Fucking poser

is there any prog rock worth listening to?

Check out sleepytime gorilla museum


No, just listen to jazz


yes it's called math rock cause prog is for nerds

You're missing out

and math rock is for depressed nerds, and mathcore is for emo nerds with rage issues

The Mars Volta revolutionized prog, my man.Their first album is as if prog caught up with all new relevant genres in rock music since the 70's.

If you like TMV and Wilson, you'd prolly like Unicorn Porn. Check out The White Stag.


YES! Newborn Sun is their best album, but this is also great. Listen to Kings X, OP. Animals As Leaders is good, not necessarily like 70s prog, though.

If you like those check Oceansize, Karnivool and Riverside

>listening to nu-jazz proge wank
Don't do this

t. punkfag

King crimson
Pink floyd

Seven Impale

Any release by King Crimson, no matter the decade, is a must listen.
Änglagård is very interesting.
More towards RIO, but Thinking Plague, Shubb Niggurath and Dunaj are also very good stuff.

Good band


Well fuck me, do you at least like a little Kings X? Their music is not jazzy at all. I know how you Sup Forums fellows hate anything even remotely Djent sounding (I should have known better than to bring up AAL.)

Kys my man

the first five spocks beard albums
some of the flower kings' shit
hackett's 80s stuff
king crimson's 80s and 90s stuff
i unironically like the first two dream theater albums although those are barely prog
>pink floyd

Mastodon, especially Crack The Skye