This song is so fucking bad. Why would they choose the worst song on AMSP to promote the album?
This song is so fucking bad. Why would they choose the worst song on AMSP to promote the album?
Tinker Tailor is worse
it's just music for 18 musicians but a pop song
Kill you're self
How can an awful artist have a worst song??
~le epic ebin meme dude lol wats ur 9gag account?
I think the band wasn't really in the mood to make music that was exciting because of the whole aging and relationship issues thing (they gave in and played creep ffs) and at the last minute they wanted to please the media and the fans with what they felt was a "strong opening", "they didn't like TKOL so lets make something less electronic and acousticy as the intro".
>Burn the Witch
>not a great opener
You complete faggot.
Fans were waiting for this song. They teased the first few chords or whatever for years
Except not really. It bears no similarities to Reich other than "repeating 8th notes with some cool textures"
It's just your shit taste user...
Be sure to get it fixed before it's too late
Radio head is pretty bad so it's hard for them to make a good song
>Kill you're self
Radiohead has confirmed Steve riech plays a huge role in their music, so the similarities don't stop there
While it isn't a good opener, i think it's a great song that at least incorporates some of these Greenwood strings we expected
>N E W
>E X P O S E D
The Top 4 songs on the album in my opinion are Burn the witch, Daydreaming, Present tense and True Love Waits
The rest is kinda average
>it's okay guys! I was just pretending to be retarded! HE'S the actual retard!
Except that's an actual meme, tripfaggot. I also wasn't the one who wrote the original post ()
it's still a shit meme. the only meme worse than this is that fucking shellie bullshit that was going around on sunday
Eh, I just think Reich focuses more on subtle changes in texture. BtW certainly has a complex string texture but does little in the subtle changes department. Fantastic song regardless, I used to hate it but became one of my favorites.
I can't think of a single other Radiohead song that sounds like it has a Reich influence so maybe if someone could enlighten me on that, that would be great.
I only like, the bends, OK computer and Kid A, everything before and after that is shit.
>he doesn't like in rainbows
I actually kind of like that one, it's still far behind the ones I mentioned earlier.
It's a great song you faggot
>no Full Stop and Identikit
speaking of bad music when you hear john lennon scream like a baby for 5 minutes in cold turkey live you dont question anymore why people would want to shoot him
desert island disk is shit
>not Decks Dark or Identikit
I really like it.
Fuck you
what the fuck are you talking about Burn the Witch is the only good song off AMSP
You're a fucking idiotic teenager and need to fuck off.
>not overrated
>how dare someone compare my patrishun Steve Reich husbando to a lowly pleb band such as radiohead