>is vegan
>alt righter
>actually watches Sargon of Akkad(the straw man, sjw boogeyman expert)
>tells people to love life and listen to music but tells people to KYS and drink bleach
>is mean to his roommate
How the mighty have fallen
>is vegan
>alt righter
>actually watches Sargon of Akkad(the straw man, sjw boogeyman expert)
>tells people to love life and listen to music but tells people to KYS and drink bleach
>is mean to his roommate
How the mighty have fallen
Other urls found in this thread:
Can someone recommend some good breakcore?
He has fallen in the same sense I fall when I leave the sidewalk.
Machine Girl - WLFGRL
Bandcamp link: Remember to support artists!
Someone explain to me what is wrong with the "alt right"
It is an ideology that panders to people who are concerned with changing PC culture or trying to dismantle Marxist ideas. So instead of seeing the structures that do exist and do oppress people they seem to think that they don't exist. So instead of trying to change the system. They just ignore them wilth SJW boogeymen and right ideas that will be phased out in the late capitalist era anyways.
I think Milo is funny tho.
Except for the fact that systems of oppression don't really exist in the West anymore and the only remotely close to existing is Class privilege.
The upper classes in the US are majority white by an extremely large percentage
That's because the majority of people in the US are white though
>alt righter
t. SJW cuck
He stormed a rally with a confederate flag last night.
It was on CNN
>late capitalist
if you listen to the left wing you have been in the late capitalist era for so long, it's like it's not about to end soon ;)
Do you actually believe this?
not being an sjw=alt right
this is what sjws actually believe
>saying sjw unironically
I bet you think white people are oppressed
not an argument
No shit I was just calling you a fucking idiot that's all.
I agree desu, the alt right seem to engage in the same stuff they blame sjw's for.
They mindlessly blame Clinton for personality yet call the left stupid when they do the same for Trump
They're against left censorship and for free speech yet anyone that goes against them is immediately banned
hard to make a meaningful movement when you personify so much of what you attack in your opposition
Do you actually believe there are still systems of oppression in the modern Western world?
white people ARE oppressed because of fucking leftist media thinking that all things whitey are a joke or something.
anarchistic niggerlovers have ruined the world and the rights of all real minorities with tumblr just to seem trendy. hell i cant even buy games anymore without seeing forced diversity or forced faggots all the time
>having any political stance
Absolutely cucked
They're disproportionately Jews.
I'm not even Sup Forums, they literally are Jews.
Regards, a Jew.
Teenagers shouldn't be allowed to discuss politics or philosphy.
This is fucking easy: institutional racism, institutional sexism, class privileges, hierarchy etc.
What, do you think that without systems of oppression intact, the western civilisation is going to continue any second longer?
not an arguement
Bogdan Raczynski did really interesting stuff in the late 90s that's really heavily influenced by drum and bass, honestly one of the most unique sounding breakcore artists out there.
I wouldn't say that's really breakcore, more like footwork handled in a manner that feels a lot like breakcore
you do realize that most yotube personality traits are just "quirks" to pander to the crowd.
he's alt-right becuase most of his viewers probably come from Sup Forums, and most of Sup Forums think trump is the new seapunk.
To that one SJW cuck trying to force this shit into Sup Forums: fuck off
>institutional racism, institutional sexism
>people actually still believe this
funny to see you complaining that edgy "MUH WHITE OPPRESSION" alt-right bullshit but yet if you take an objective look at your life, you see that you are doing absolutely fine and nobody's laughing or marginalizing you for being a white straight male.
To the many alt-right cucks trying to force their shit into Sup Forums: fuck off
The Demiurge still binds our souls
It only makes sense to believe in those things since they exist
You literally just said racial representation in video games is a sign of oppression
You are an sjw
instead of offering me a counter-argument, you offer me a meme.
Thanks for proving me that alt-righters are ignoramuses in their hug-boxes who never get exposed to other sides of the story.
They're voting for someone who believes global warming is a Chinese conspiracy. Did you really expect them to be smart?
Well it's good to see you being so honest about how much you want filthy westerners to suffer. What pure, enlightened nation would you like to see become the hegemonic power instead?
being a cuck to political correctness
Glorious Nippon
Cool spooks
You're right, it's a mistake to expect an actual debate of alt-righters, since all their arguments are stupid Sup Forums memes like "JEWS EVERYWHERE", "HOMOS EVERYWHERE" and "MUH WHITE OPRESSION".
dude everything but your senses is a spook
oh man, you really showed to these mean SJW's now by calling them cucks to policial correctness. Thanks for helping me to see the light! What other big words do you know as well, oh crusader of honesty and no-bullshit-PC?
>So instead of seeing the structures that do exist and do oppress people they seem to think that they don't exist.
So when you say structures, you don't mean like the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building, which actually exist in physical reality, or even specific laws
You mean imaginary bullshit that are only "structures" in the sense of scaffolding you have devised in your mind, like "the patriarchy" or "systemic racism"
You know those unverifiable hypotheses with shifting definitions that change to suit the rhetorical needs of whoever is speaking
Gee I wonder why people would think that stuff's bullshit
Except for those tricky Asians, who often beat whites at their own game! See pic related
On the plus side blacks seems to possibly outearning the white man in some physical labor jobs. Probably because they were bred for it
not an arguement
>he doesn't understand Noumenonal knowledge
fuck off retard
You didn't offer much of an argument to begin with, you were just spouting off rhetoric
The thought police are here! Run!
Sup Forums was always left-leaning, this is to be expected
Descartes debunked that years ago
all the institutional racism/sexism all boils down to class privilege and hierarchy, its a bad thing to say on nu-Sup Forums but capitalism is the main factor behind this
why do left leaning people let niggers fuck their girlfriends?
Wow you sure proved us wrong
political correctness =/= being left wing
i've never actually met a full blown SJW but i've said some pretty offensive stuff to people and they've not been offended and theyre all socialists including myself
>hierarchy doesn't exist
>shits on clintion constantly for being above the law
You alt righter don't even exist to back up your straw man claims. You just reply with memes. Fuck off and go back to your storm front general.
>you see that you are doing absolutely fine...[as] a white straight male.
I've lived below the poverty line in my life and my family has taken food stamps
Yesterday I was working a food drive to help out my neighbors, most of whom are white trash. I saw people stand or sit in their cars in the sun for hours waiting to receive bruised fruit and bread that likely expired that day
Just because you're white doesn't make your life an automatic success story. There are plenty of broke, desperate white people in this country, and it's fucking condescending when born affluent liberals tell you otherwise
Why the fuck do alt-righters think that being tolerable of muslims means that you have to like their religion? For example, I am not sympathetic with islam, I think Islam is rather disgusting, but I try to keep it to myself not to shove this down other people's throats, because nobody has forced me to adopt any aspect of islam in my entire life.
you complained about racial diversity and different sexual orientations on video game covers. I told you that it's not oppressive to you as a white straight male, because exposure to differences in society is not oppressive, since it's a mature thing to tolerate people different than yourself taking part in society.
Uhh you clearly don't understand Descartes if you believe that. Cartesian rationalism is based off the idea of a Noumenonal consciousness which in turn leads to the basis of phenomenal knowledge and knowledge of god.
Oh shit SJWs are biting back
>Identity politics
this thread just hurts so much. We're all just people. We live in one world. We're all just people, don't you understand!
>he still can't tell whites from jews
do you support women being raped?
>if you are against SJW feminazis you are exactly as bad as them
lmao this is what you cucks actually believe
>other side responds with shit post
>is on the side that his arguments are just memes in political form
>is actually going to vote for trump
>is actually going to give trump the ability to put two supreme court justices in power
Pls stop posting on Sup Forums
Nice spooks
I think the thread is just baiters baiting baiters at this point. Hopefully these people will leave us alone.
What a stupid fucking question
what is this, a shitpost for ants?
Queen Ant here. O I'm Laffin