pretentious, cringy, tl;dr or just plain pleb reviews -- post em
get ready niggers I have a good one for you
pretentious, cringy, tl;dr or just plain pleb reviews -- post em
get ready niggers I have a good one for you
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'Guilty of Being White' has some of the stupidest lyrics and employs the same 'hey other white people fucked up not me' mentality that shows white ignorance by displacing and externalizing racism always on someone/somewhere else. It also represents the type of self-defensiveness people whip out when they think they're being personally attacked, instead of recognizing white supremacy as a system of thought + behavior pattern and an institutional reality which can - and does - reside in people regardless of race, even though it's quite clearly endorsed and perpetuated primarily by those who benefit from it the most. Anyways, that definitely isn't the same as waging verbal war against every white person without taking into account who they are individually.
It's just lame and uses a singular instance of prejudice against white people to say, uhm, what exactly? Suggest minorities are hypocrites and bitch too much about oppression since they take part in it too? That white people aren't as bad as they seem? I mean I know Ian MacKaye was talking about his personal experience as a 'white minority' and getting beat up for his skin color and that totally sucks and shouldn't happen to anyone but the song just comes across as subtly racist and doesn't offer a wider perspective on how, I don't know, white oppression can't be equated with minority oppression since the weight of power and centuries of violence and subjugation easily falls on the white side by miles and miles. It's especially disappointing when you consider all the other ways Minor Threat was so lyrically on point.
Barring that, every other song here is fantastic and 'In My Eyes' remains one of my favorite punk songs and has some of the best lyrics.
This exposition on race was brought to you by a half-white 'male.' illusionsofgranger out.
EDIT: the fact none of these reviews address how problematic 'Guilty of Being White' is speaks volumes about this site holy god.
I remember literally writhing on the floor and crying about some skinny girl I knew, on the first time that Children of God passed through my being. Not my proudest moment, especially since those were in teenspittin' days...
I cursed this album when I first heard it, probably partially out of the aforementioned circumstance that made me hate everything around me that moved or grazed me even slightly (fuck you you fucking carpet oh my god why are you a carpet you fucking c-), but also because I wasn't really prepared to digest Swans on a whim. I doubt many are, especially when I somehow convinced myself that their name implied that they focused on prettiness and affability. The former is somewhat true, but we'll get to that. Swans is more macabre than sixteen mimes passing around an ox's severed neck, all taking deep guzzles from it and grinning a crimson stare at any who they catch spectating. The terrors that a seven-year old fixates about his church, during sermons of eternal damnation and revelations and admittances that demons actually exist (I can't believe my mother affirmed that to me when I was a kid), is wholly present on Children of God, a thumping terror overtaking my sensibilities at times as I traverse through the dim morning on campus while trying to keep my composure. Dear god, why did I think that experiencing Swans in front of people would ever be a good idea?
>Yes he numbers his reviews
This is alright. I don't fault them too much for that song (he was only 19 when he wrote it) but dear god its lyrics are hilarious
I wanted to quote the bad parts of this review but it's all bad.
Everything from the smarmy self-righteous tone "uhm oh my god like, i dunno, maybe your just a racist??" to the final line with its quoted 'male' to the problematic edit. Everything is spot on
the lyrics are 100% right though
slavery is the "progressive" left's version of the original sin
No, that's not at all how it works. I don't really feel like getting into it but slavery, segregation, housing discrimination, and the school to prison pipeline all play into institutionalized racism.
i only skimmed the first and last paragraphs but this is my new favorite
god damn that is hilarious
good thing you don't wanna get into it, i can go to tumblr whenever i want
you can blame whites for blacks' perpetual misery all you want, the point is there's no reason to keep beating people over the head with it
Read some academia on the subject. Tumblr didn't invent racism to make white guys look bad lol
took me 10 minutes just to get what he was reviewing lol
I still don't get it
yeah i'm sure isolated theorizing tenured profs who are still rehashing and bastardizing foucault in their echo chambers have the answer to all our social woes
>christmas time is here
it's basically poe's law in 5000 words
>not isolated
>nothing to do with Foucault
If you don't respect academia you should probably throw out all the science and history we've studied as well
lol @ those professors theorizing.fuck de acadamia mon. but really sam hyde fucking sucks
the whole album has a lot of preachy cringe lyrics that were more reactional than inducing change, Guilty of Being White is just one more, the only difference it adress race issues, and honestly who cares, it is the artistic view on the world, it has no point in being accurate
and it is kinda right if you consider a lot of white people didn't had slaves in their families, or were responsible for slavery, specially italian or irish immigrants
>preachy cringe lyrics
fuck urself
m8 you're off to a bad start
the straight edge lyrics aren't about being preachy they're about showing the disconnect of a 19 yo edgy teen wrecking his voice in a hardcore band
same point with asking "why the fuck am i still being blamed and shamed for shit i have nothing to do with, as if i didn't have it worse than a shit ton of blacks". that's a reaction against "preachy" holier than thou progressive types
what does sam hyde have to do with this desu