>Album covers that don't have the name of the album on it anywhere
Album covers that don't have the name of the album on it anywhere
>album covers with text
>album covers
>album cover is the band's mascot/logo
>album cover doesn't reflect the music
>it's the same album with different cover
>album cover is minimalistic
>album cover is black and white
Huh I guess films aren't paying the bills for Kubrick these days
>Album covers have text and none of it has any relation to the band, album name or songs
can someone tell me the names of these albums?
Hi, here.
Sup, is my name
Literally tons of examples when band releases new album but it sounds exactly like their earlier work
Who are you quoting?
> Album cover is a painting
>does not recognise writing style in these threads
>dumb weeaboo being pedantic yet doesn't know the difference between 'who' and 'whom'