That's a big lineup

That's a big lineup

i only know 1 artist from there

for you

why out yourself like this

I'm in Italy and I really wanna fucking go

fuck me thats an amazing lineup

yeah looks good man

Autechre, Andy Stott, Swans, DJ Shadow, Tim hecker are all huge names here...
Me too, famalam.

>google names expecting experimental kiswahili d&b or qt sino-arabian songstress
>it's all pasty dutchmen wearing white t-shirts

only go for total freedom,swans and elysia
rest are meh live

those are like the worst there

umm I'd at least try to see yeah sure swans,
but also laurent garnier, andy stott, fatima yamaha, motor city drum ensemble, dj shadow and clams casino.
I haven't listened to koreless in ages but would check him out as well.

but that's just me.

lmao how new are you

another festival that's more Pitchfork than Pitchfork Fest

this is tmtcore. atleast get your insults right newfag

AE and yamaha only good ones tho

new where?

oh yeah forgot about autechre ofc

amnesia scanner and chino amobi are the future of music

Not when Autechre exist.

i'm italian and i'm going

>andy stott
>chino amobi

>not good


RBMA is kinda good but also pretty shitty, they're awkward fucks who are awful in interviews and often get facts and details wrong.

all are shit that pards listen to just so they can say that they are into """"""""""underground""""""""" bleeps

Nobody cares about your opinion, trip

Laurent garnier is the best in your list,make sure not to miss him, i went to sonar last 4 years, his set was always the best one or at least the less forgetable one.

bu since this board is made of plebs shilling swans and clams casino my opinion will be discared

It's quite a big deal considering that it's in Italy, the land of perpetual musical nothing.
Potremmo fare una specie di raduno di Sup Forumstants italiani. Come la vedete?

>andy stott

pitchfork gave him a bnm he is far from underground