How has this not caught on with normalfags? It ticks all the boxes

How has this not caught on with normalfags? It ticks all the boxes

>Uplifting summer sound
>simple 4/4 grooves
>rap features
>squeaky clean, almost plastic sounding production on some of the tracks (like Subways)

Because there's no drop

because it's bad and the band themselves are ugly dudes

robbie is a qt

Are the Avalances albums supposed to sound like one whole mixtape?

where are the accessible radio singles? oh, no I thought so

yeah dude wym

Going around my campus I've heard this album bumped lots of times

Because I'm Me

Also lots of ads for it around in Australia.

Hasn't even caught on here really.

Only Frankie Sintatra, Colours, and Subways have been singles so far


>Because I'm Me

Tony's pretty cute too honestly

A little rougher looking but still cute

yeah yeah I know, I guess I mean mainstream attention

>Because I'm Me


Because normies are too busy listening to trap

it's still not on spotify in the US for some reason

yes it is what

plebs do not listen to albums and that album does not have strong singles

>Not a strong single

yes they do they do it all the fucking time

why do you think every bland indie rock band on the planet is so popular

it would never fly on mainstream radio, not enough vocals