ITT: albums that trigger Sup Forums

ITT: albums that trigger Sup Forums





Its pretty sad that someone was so upset that Will actually made it out of the bandcamp threads that instead of trying to make a more concerted effort with their music they just parodied mine and failed at it.

Whatever makes plebs happy I guess.

>they just parodied mine
Nice try user, I still don't believe your actually Will

You're not Will.

i love you

please come back to us will we need you

This is a good one.


Is FurAffinity a better community than Sup Forums, William?

Stop spreading lies and do something with your life why don't you?

i legitimately love this album, even 2 years later

the hate it got was totally undeserved

In terms of creative output, yeah. At least the majority actually try to be producers instead of mindlessly consuming media.

Will it isn't a lie you still post on furry shit with the Car Seat Headrest tumblr.

Do you still not realize that's your band's tumblr now now just your personal porn machine?

>that Will actually made
>parodied mine
>I guess
So who the fuck are you?

God shut up. Don't make me sue you, idiot.



didnt this guy kill Kurt?

Is this album actually good or no

No Cobain killed himself


the gimmicky production ruins it imo
