Whats the best band you avoided because they had a shitty name? These guys are blowing me away right now


None because I'm smart enough to know not to assume a band's quality based on their name. Also how is Twin Peaks a shitty name? Because they named their band after a TV show?

I never thought they were that shitty. I am going to see them tomorrow at Pitchfork. Hope they are as good as this.

to be fair, going so far as to name your band after one of the worst and most overrated tv shows out there is a pretty blatant show of tastelessness, so it's not so hard to assume the music wouldn't be good either.

Yes and because they chose that name after the counter culture resurgence of that show. Makes me cringe

Happy surprise tho they legitimately sound like The Band

Ah, so you're really just a Sup Forums shitposter using the band to carry your terrible taste.

I personally don't like Twin Peaks because they sound nothing like the show.

To be fair you just admitted to thinking a band was shit because you happen to not care for a show that they like.


>counter culture resurgence of that show
AKA young people becoming aware of something that they were too little to appreciate when it came out.

Happens all the time.

>threads you assumed would be shit because OP is a literal autist
>this one

Hey I was right

thats pretty mean spirited bro. I like this thread, at least its about music

diarrhea planet


>they legitimately sound like The Band
i didn't watch the video now I'm hella glad I didn't.

Fucking hell why would you think this is good? First of all, nostalgia, imitation, reteromania etc. (you are destroying culture by being a pleb congrats)

Second of all, with out using a reference, name 6 songs by The Band. You can't do it. Think about why that is and what you are saying and how fucking stupid you are.

My Morning Jacket

hey buddy did you see this?fuck you man. that's right you fucking dumbass.

lamo fucking poser is tounge tiedwhat a fucking shit show

lol if you like Twin Peaks buddy time to listen to T Rex

fuck you you fucking piece of shit

yeah wow I'm glad I found this fucking asshole fuck off

look fuck you suck

Conversely, have any of you ever listened to a band because you really liked their name but then were disappointed?

I remember seeing the band name Pure Bathing Culture for the first time and thought it was a super cool band name.

but hen they were just generic uninspired dreampop.

Same with the band Riverbeds.

The The. The thing is, their name can be seen as both really stupid and kind of clever depending on who you are.

For a while I thought Have a Nice Life was going to be shitty emo, glad I was wrong