What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

I'm glad someone is calling this bitch out on her shit
It blows that this is going to end his career because of the hex she has on most of humanity

he's a cuck begging for mercy
how can you let taylor swift pump and dump. john mayer rekt her how pathetic is calvin

This whole fucking thing is a p.r stunt and isn't relevant to this board please gtfo.

nigger problems
no, i'm not a racist. i used the n-word here because i'm so fucking mad right now

He's a man with a death wish,

Swift will annihilate his bitch ass

I'm glad he did it. She's in such a safety bubble surrounded by her reps and agents and shit that would never let her go off the cuff and just say what she thinks. It's gross how manufactured everything we see about her is

taylor swift is the biggest piece of shit in the music industry

>because i'm so fucking mad right now

That doesn't really make it any better
Get a fucking grip dude why do you care about a wooden plank and her ex so much

There's been a slow but steady trickle of talk of Swift being an evil conniving manipulative bitch since she first blew up. This and the Kanye Famous line fiasco are the two latest and I really can't wait for it to start sticking. Especially with this really obnoxious persecution complex she's been developing.

>I'm glad someone is calling this bitch out on her shit
how is he calling her out?

she basically called him out - she wrote a song for rihanna and he's taking all the credit

Why do you guys care so much about music made for women and children?

why do celebs always fuck around with other celebs?
calvin is alpha as fuck and could get any girl he wishes but he chose a bi-sexual attention whore

>calvin is alpha as fuck

wat ? he's crying like a bitch


I hate that I have to bite my tongue about how much of a bitch Taylor Swift is or alienate myself from half my friends

lmao he's not alpha are you kidding me?
he's always been beta up until recently he start lifting weights to look "bigger"

david guetta and diplo are alpha

explain how she was being a bitch here?

calvin is the cry baby here

She asked him to credit her with a pseudo name so he did and now that they're broken up and she wants to fuck with him she's using that as a weapon to make it look like he robbed her of credit.

Notice how in her whole career, every song she's written, every feud she's been in, everything she's done, she always positions herself as the victim? You don't think it's interesting that the biggest superstar in the world for half a decade is somehow always a victim and somehow always manages to turn her victimhood into hit records and millions of dollars?

We are all victims Just think about it.
Taylor swift represents us


People who think Taylor Swift of being an evil bitch and get mad about it are dum
People who think of Taylor Swift as an amazing woman who is kinda like their best friend and a figure to be idolized are dum
People who think of Taylor Swift as a pure Aryan princess are dum

Sometimes I feel like it's just dum generally to be emotionally invested in anything about Taylor Swift except her music
She seems awful but everything she says or does so heavily mediated by her people that it's impossible to judge her like you would judge a human being

Yeah I was the victim of your mom's weak head game last night

Its true and you know it

>pseudo name


Just like that time I gave Kanye consent to record a line about us having sex and then I went to the media and claimed that I was a victim being oppressed because of my gender and then sicced my lawyers on him to stop him from revealing I consented because he stupidly trusted me enough to not go through the necessary legal channels when obtaining my consent.

i never see myself as a victim, im a fucking retard sociopath who wants to die irl but thanks

Kanye is a liar

>Sup Forums will defend a legitimate retard

thought he handled it really well, tbqh

swift is a cunt

Yeah that's why I had my lawyers force him and his wife to destroy any phone recordings they've ever had with me

C-... CUTE!

She likes to protect herself
I don't see the issue. She's a very private person who doesn't like people manipulating her for their own personal gain

taylor swift is a fake ass bitch

>She's a very private person
Yeah that's why she continuously writes songs about anyone who has committed a perceived wrong against her

she is awkward :^)

>uses nigger
>proceeds to use "the n word" next sentence


no wonder harris left her. that was painful to watch

Has she given out names of the people she wrote about?
it You people assume she's writing about them. Thats the genius of swift

Yeah, pretty dum


>she wants to fuck with him she's using that as a weapon to make it look like he robbed her of credit.

they are broken up so there's no reason for her to do him any favors

dude's a cry baby

>tfw i'm pretty sure i dance like this
thankfully i only do it when totally shithoused and alone in my bedroom

she does it in front of the entire world

how does she live with herself

This tbqh fampires.

This is the type of shit that creates /r9k/ posters. Just pure manipulative evil behind glassy eyes and a cute face.

what the fuck she wearin tho

she's not not doing him any favors, she's actively fucking with his shit, how the fuck is he a cry baby for telling her to fuck off? she needs to get taken down a fucking peg.

same kanye west who tried not to pay aphex twin
yeah sure defend him

He's acting like a bitter ex. he's a loser who will never achieve success like her. his most popular song is written by swift. she owns him

I don't understand what that has to do with anything

Don't expect logic from a waifufag

Of course you don't too much time being an Idiot has ruined you!


u think they are doing damage control behind the scenes, I think so yeah

holy shit I am laffin

Fuck off with your internet drama summerfag

Is she autistic?


you know what the autist eyes are?
she kinda has them

kill yourself

>go out with someone
>break up
>immediately write a break up song
I wonder what 2+2 equals, it can't be 4 there's no four mentioned

Song could have been made prior and label decided to release it later
Again does she specific the names of the individuals in the songs?
Could be something she wrote for a friend or made up.

>He's acting like a bitter ex. he's a loser who will never achieve success like her. his most popular song is written by swift. she owns him


>celebrity gossip and twitter relationship beefs

GLORIOUS trips of truth


Careful anons, Taylor might catch wind and make a song called Haterz about how Sup Forums oppresses by pointing out things she does and make another cool $150 mil

literally who fucking cares
why do people eat this shit up, it has nothing to do with music

>literally about production credits to a song
>nothing to do with music




Maybe she was just drunk lol I've done shit like that drunk, not even a tay fan lol

Will we ever be rid of the stain of Taylor Swift?