Does Sup Forums like The Death Grips?
Does Sup Forums like The Death Grips?
actually this isn't a picture of death grips
holy fucking shit dude
actually this isn't a picture of death grips
actually this isn't a picture of death grips
Guys I did some research and found this is not an image of death grips! It is in fact 80's rap group 3rd Bass!
isn't guys actually grips picture of death
confirmed, guys. this NOT death grips
false alarm
No, it's animal collective.
actually this isn't a picture of animal collective
hol up hol up im freaking out, this doesn't look like death grips, right?
but...OP says it IS death grips? idk something is fishy
Listen to 3rd bass. Pop goes the weasel.classic
No guys it's Death Grips for sure. It even says it in the file name.
Its 3rd bass
I found reddit guys
Can someone help? I'm sorting my pictures and I don't know if this is death grips.
Jesus FUCK. Death Grips have done it AGAIN
Nah that's short of one white guy to be Death Grips. And Black Grip is too fat here.
actually this is a picture of death grips
we're definitely getting closer to finding out the true identity of the death grips though
I think I found a picture of death grips hanging out with some groupies. Can anyone confirm??
this looks pretty accurate.
can anyone confirm for 100% validation that this is in fact MC Ride adn the Death Grips?
me on the left
Man, Animals As Leaders are looking great!
Does anyone know if death grips girl
It's Jenny Death. When she ded they took Stephan Mc'Ride.