Is this their best?
Is this their best?
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Right after Kid A, yes it is. Maybe even tied for first place.
I'm listening to it for the fast time right now, I like it a lot. The only other Radiohead albums I've are Pablo Honey, OK Computer and Kid A. Kid A's my fav so far, but In Rainbows might surpass it. OK Computer is shit.
I haven't heard all their albums yet, but this is better than their hyped ones
kid a and in rainbows are their best
>OK Computer is shit.
My top 3 Radiohead Albums:
>OK Computer
>In Rainbows
>Kid A
So, In Rainbows, in my opinion, is one of their best albums.
Alright, fair enough. It's all my subjective opinion. I just found a good many of the tracks to be boring, and I don't usually describe music as being boring. It's just that most of the tracks were very lackluster and underwhelming, in my opinion. I'd much rather listen to other, in my onion, superior alt rock/indie rock albums.
However, maybe "shit" was a bit strong. I just didn't enjoy listening to it. Kid A on the other hand, whoah. I was really surprised by how much I loved it.
this is the hyped one, other than ok computer
The sonics of the record are astounding, just listen with an attentive ear to Subterranean Homesick Alien, or Climbing Up the Walls.
KID A, the best one, and why?? Because i guess was a huge mission to produce anything followed OK PC...
BUT THEY DID IT. That means a lot
Nah, Kid A, Amnesiac, HTTT, and AMSP are all better. IR was way too poppy.
Subterranean Homesick Alien is the best song on the album imo. glad someone else is giving it credit
This, except that In Rainbows is better than HTTT
It's tie with Kid A.
Also Airbag.
The last 30 seconds or so of that track is j almost makes you understand the praise for OKC.
Yes, followed by HTTT, AMSP, and Amnesiac.
it is the best in terms of production and texture
I don't understand why poppy automatically = bad
They've done plenty of experimentation before, god forbid they make some more poppy songs for an album
IR just sounds poppy.
However, Bodysnatchers, JFIP and Weird Fishes all adopt a non-pop structure with no discernible chorus.
poppy doesn't necessarily mean something is bad, but in this case Radiohead just sacrificed a lot of substance for the sake of a simple (relative to their discography) album which can be easily digested in one listen. It has far less replayability than their other records because once you get over the shock value of the new sound, you realize there just isn't all that much there.
It's incredibly vast considering it might as well have been recorded in a shed. Real testament to good recording techniques, as well as just being a great song.
>tfw you listen to the fan made "completed" TKOL and it feels much more complete than the original
you couldn't be more full of shit then if you were a constipated person who just ate a spicy burrito from chipotle
I'm sure I'll give it another shot eventually.
""completed"" version? Do you mean like, with the singles tacked on? Supercollider Butcher Daily Mail Twisted Words and Staircase?
There's a reason those weren't on the album. TKOL is extraordinarily cohesive, to the point where it really feels more like one big block of music rather than 8 songs. None of the five singles, though they're all decent to great songs, really fit with the idea behind TKOL. Except maybe Staircase.
No. Not in my opinion, at least. I've always found In Rainbows to be on the boring side. Songs like All I Need, Faust Arp, House of Cards and Jigsaw bore me to death. Videotape is one of their best songs though.
jigsaw GOAT next to reckoner
>All I need
Im quite triggered
Hey man that's just my personal taste. I can't even articulate why I don't like those songs very much. I think the album has too much of Thom, For me i think Jonny is the genius behind Radiohead and his presence seems more tenuous on IR. As for Videotape, it's one of the few songs on the album in which Thom's vocals resonate with me.
imo yes
Thats actually pretty interesting because Thom's vocals sound very different on videotape and it is off putting to me. It is neat you dig it tho.
Literally how?
In Rainbows = OK Computer > Kid A >> The Bends >Amnesiac>>HTTT>>TKOL>>>>>PH
Amnesiac is their best. This is their 2nd best, tho.
this. I've tried all such fan 'solutions' and none of them were as amazing as the original.
Amnesiac is clearly the superior album
their greatest work is amnesiac, but that's just my opinion.
Amnesiac sucks
Okay, so I marathoned Jigsaw just for you user. I take what I said back, I prefer it to the other songs I mentioned. So Jigsaw coupled with Videotape provides for a highly enjoyable final 10 minutes.
Anyone here actually like TKOL? Far from their best, but I probably listen to that more regularly than Amnesiac or HTTT
Try reading through this as you listen to the album.
Really opened it up for me, because the theme of each song lyrically does actually play into how it sounds instrumentally.
In my opinion it has all the necessary qualifications of being a worthwhile work of art.
It causes its listener to think, it has a deeper meaning, and different people interpret this deeper meaning in different ways which leads to more discussion and thought.
It's their worst. Objectively. I'm not kidding.
forgot to link haha