What's the last album you cried to, Sup Forums?

what's the last album you cried to, Sup Forums?

pic related, currently ongoing

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What is this? It really bugs me when people share sentiment about an album with album art but don't even put the title in the filename.

Teared up when Close to the Edge clicked, not going to lie.


Ever heard of Google reverse image search?

Sorry, it's Koibito He (For Lovers) by Lamp.


Yeah, but why should I have to do that when i would take two seconds for someone to put the title of the album in the post?

I swear people on here will argue with anything. You can't say that it wouldn't be simpler and better for the board if people would just say the name of albums they're talking about when it's not perfectly clear.

people don't actually cry to albums right?

Please don't blame other people for your lack of knowledge. It's obnoxious.

Too late user, thanks for nothing

(Lamp - 恋人)

I already posted it though, stop being a little bitch about it. I usually include titles in the filename, but I forgot.



>he's dead on the inside


but why
don't you cry when Don't Change Gone comes on?

I've never cryied listening anything, that's for pussies, (but few days i saw "Marley and Me" and i cried like a bitch)

...few days ago*

I came home from a night out rolling on mdma and cried like a little bitch at the sheer beauty of this



Hey user, i've just listened a few song and they're awesome!
(Any link or dropbox for it?)

Glad you liked it. Three of their albums, including this one, are in the archive. It's down for me atm so I can't fetch the link, but just search "Lamp mega|zippyshare|mediafire" and you'll find them. The rest are on Soulseek.

lol xddd funny haha lmao

I found it

(Thnks a lot!, user)

>white fat weeaboo trash crying to music he doesn't understand

a beautiful picture user

Broken Heart was too much for me




it's not even their best album

>I haven't heard Lamp, ever: The Post

I've listened to all of their albums

i wept to jungleland a few days ago, mainly because the whole album involves wanting to run away from a shitty situation
when itaots finally clicked, i cried for a good two days, two headed boy pt 2 still gets me

So, you think one needs to understand the lyrics for music to have the ability to provoke genuine emotion?


i teared up listening to fishmans aldean. a beautiful fusion


Lyrics are a huge part of the music, especially theirs... if you can't speak Japanese, yeah it's pretty laughable that you'd cry to something you don't understand. Their instrumentation isn't especially original or evocative so it sounds like you're just a pretentious white weeaboo

>Thinks any music with asian people is weaboo trash

Please leave this board

probably didn't help that I was reading some depressing shit on reddit whilst listening to this

You think the composure and tempo of a song has nothing to do with the emotion of a song?

You're quick to make assumptions, aren't you? While it obviously doesn't for you, this album feels very nostalgic and powerfully melancholic to me. Wether or not a piece of music is "evocative" is entirely subjective, you spaz.


>anyone who enjoys japanese media of any kind is a filthy stinking weeaboo


My nigga

>one good song.

damn what're the odds you'd be willing to share this album? Itunes and BC off their site cost like 17 USD

The opener is the most overrated song of all time, really. Cop Shoot Cop is ten times better

Also came pretty close to crying listening to this.

pls kill me I read the thread after

It was on the day he died. Didn't help I was having a really shitty day in general on top of that.

The River makes me cry like a bitch, mostly because it's the same topic as Born To Run except in a more depressing situation.


started crying in the car yesterday listening to Chance's Finish Line

>I've been lying to my body
>can't rely on myself
>last year got addicted to xans
>started forgetting my name
>started missing my chance

in my LSD trip, i cried when nude came
pretty god for my first Radiohead album

Probably this one a couple years back. Made me feel like a real homo.

I've seen this album being posted here so many times but I've never listened it because I don't like the guy. Should I listen to it?

Probably this random bandcamp album. Honestly, if it hadn't come out the day before my most recent breakup it wouldn't hold the emotional weight it does.


>do you feel completely abandoned and lost?

It's a meme people have pretended to be good to trick others

you're just asking people to attack you

It was only a single shed of a mantear by the end of True Love Waits, I don't even know why it got to me so much, I guess I just really needed an emotional release, and Thommy and the lads are always there to provide that

>Did you get enough love, my little dove
>Why do you cry?
>And I’m sorry I left, but it was for the best
>Though it never felt right
>My little Versailles

Don't listen to . Everything is a meme, but don't let that stop you from enjoying one of the greatest artistic works of the century.

buckets desu
any songs about regret destroy me desu

I NEVER BREATHED HER NAME AGAIN . . . but i like to dream

based mark (quads confirm)

What part of Poseidon would make you cry?
The whole second side is le Cat Food song and an awful version of Mars.
The first side is much better, but there's nothing that moving in it.
Pictures of a City is pretty rockin' though.

Can confirm good crying song, have done it before myself.

Virgins by Tim Hecker



at what point? this doesn't strike me as a crying album

Night of the Swallow, and Get out of my House. I think it was the beauty of the music and Bush's voice that got me. Amazing, amazing album.


>Amazing, amazing album.

this is true