His favourite band doesn't even play hard rock, psych rock, acid rock, raga rock, heavy metal, doom metal, skiffle...

>his favourite band doesn't even play hard rock, psych rock, acid rock, raga rock, heavy metal, doom metal, skiffle, avant garde sound collages, blues, ska, acoustic, country rock, piano ballads, proto-drone, pop, baroque and orchestral songs

Top kek

Other urls found in this thread:


>his favourite band dosen't even play rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, rock, pop sound collages, rock, rock, rock, rock, piano rock, rock, rock and rock
K e K

>his favorite band isn't even rock

I refute that claim

Is there any band that actually plays all of those things?

You know the guy in the OP image? His band (called "The Beatles") did.

le beetles

What was their Ska song? Ob La Di Ob La Da?

who the fuck keeps shilling the beatles

Yep lad

>his favourite band doesn't even play alternative rock, hard rock, psych rock, prog rock, punk, techno, adult contemporary, lo-fi, funk, soul, country, gospel, r&b, experimental rock, comedy rock, meta rock, surf rock, children's music, jazz-pop, power pop, caribbean music and more

yo what was their doom song tho asking for a friend

Also, Pink Floyd

i want you

Probably Sun City Girls

I Want You (She's So Heavy)


i guess i don't exactly agree but i can respect that yeah

I Want You (She's So Heavy)

Playing them all terribly doesn't count

people say it's I Want You for some reason. I pretty strongly disagree

>His favorite band doesn't even

>he can't even legally marry a 12-year-old girl

i want you feels more like a classical thing to me with the endless arpeggiation, or just a warped version of '50s slow dances

They perfectly capture the essence of every genre, mate.

The Beatles have done most of those

>the band who wrote "Your Party"

doesn't matter what the fuck your shit band played if it all sucks, which it does

The Residents

this triggered me

The White Album is seriously one of the worst albums I've heard. The only really memorable song on there is Revolution 9, and Paul McCartney tried like hell to keep it off of there. (He also got writing credit despite having no involvement in the song - he wasn't even in England at the time John Lennon composed it. Something about the marketing or something. When Paul and John did things separately, they'd still get credited as Lennon/McCartney on the album.

That often happened. Yesterday features only McCartney, no other Beatle appears on it. Yet it is credited as Lennon-McCartney. It's just the format they used.

The rest of your post is terrible bait that I'm not even gonna bother responding to.

Okay, it wasn't the only memorable song, but it was more memorable than anything else off there. The only song that comes close is Happiness Is a Warm Gun. The rest of the album sounds like grating Down By the Bay-level nursery rhymes. It's just a grating album to listen to. It's easily my second least favorite Beatles album next to Let It Be. They were wise to wait until after they broke up to release that. All it had was Across the Universe, and the few other "good songs" on there were just boring.

So you've forgotten Helter Skelter, Back in the USSR, While My Guitar Gently Weeps, Yer Blues, Dear Prudence, Revolution 1, Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da and Blackbird?


>I Want You (She's So Heavy)

This is just blues rock.

wikipedia says blues & doom

Why do you not think Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da doesn't apply to what I said? That's honestly one of the worst songs I've heard from anyone. Granted, While My Guitar Gently Weeps and Dear Prudence are pretty good songs. I don't care enough for the rest of those for them to save the album for me.

>wikipedia says

>forgetting Martha My Dear, Julia, Im So TIred, Honey Pie, PIggies, Glass Onion, I Will, Mother Nature's Son, Sexy Sadie and Long, Long, Long.

The demo is where it's at. They were sick of it by the time they actually finished the studio version.

Fair enough if you don't like Ob-La-Di, I don't either. I was just making the point that, good or bad, the White Album is full of "memorable" songs. Maybe "memorable" means good to you, but to me it means something which is easily remembered, for better or worse.

We're just arguing over semantics I think.

I know, I know. Why Don't We Do It In the Road, Bungalow Bill, Goodnight and Savoy Truffle too. Was just making the point that by picking a handful of memorable songs because the album has tons