Why do some people not like music at all ?

Why do some people not like music at all ?

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Different types of people. I don't like movies at all, for example.

most people don't. It's just background noise for the majority. In fact, even so called enthusiasts have little to no understanding of music, and are clearly just trend chasing fashionistas.

Really what about TV shows ?

I don't like them either.

Most people enjoy music even if they don't understand it. I am talking about the people who don't have an answer when asked what their favorite band is.

Because they are patrician.

Do you like books or any type of narrative media ?

Honestly I don't often listen to new music unless it's my friends, or somebody I have a social interest in. I was listening to hundreds of new records a year (for 20+ years) but I started to hear a lot of recycled shit, so now, unless a personal friend says HEY CHECK THIS OUT, or hands me a demo, I don't fucking bother. I don't even have a car stereo anymore.

In my wife's car I filled the cd changer with just nostalgia jams so we can sing together on the way to the beach or the mountains or wherever.

I enjoy videogames, but really getting into them feels like a huge waste of time and most gamers are knob-heads anyway.

I don't really know, I used to enjoy reading a lot but now I can't seem to other than in small bursts. Sometimes I can enjoy a VN, but other than that I stick to music. Might be depression or something but I have to constantly look for new things because I get bored of it all really quickly.

Then why do you spend time here ?

why do some people not like wrestling at all?

nah, most people like the nostalgia they feel from hearing a song they heard (usually the lyrics) during a good time they were having.

this is distinctly different than actually enjoying the MUSIC itself.

>I am talking about the people who don't have an answer when asked what their favorite band is.

so everyone on here who has been lurking more than 3 days? Who the fuck has a serious answer to that.

Because music is for plebs

I don't normally, I just popped back on after a few years to see what's up, and if anything has changed. It hasn't really. This place is still mostly vapid teens with a grocery store tabloid understanding of music.

Damn this picture went in
I also did not know white parents said that phrase too

fuck you man fuck you this is not j

what is j

not this you jeopardy fucking bastard?

Music is a waste of time.

Depression and autism. Also, some would argue that music is inessential to the human condition (see below).

The author and science-guy Steven "Ass" Pinker has made the serious argument that music is "auditory cheesecake". But he's not just being cute - his claim is that for evolutionary/psychological reasons xyz bla bla bla, music is "nice to have", but not actually essential to human existence in the way that other activities and components of culture are, for psychological well-being. Naturally musicians, people in the arts, and normies in general who like music would bristle at such an argument - "If I can't listen to some music, I'll make some! I'd go crazy otherwise!" etc. Anyway, such is Pinker's view, and he's no dope.


The link contains a bit of context for this; it seems that the author is opposed to Pinker's view (I only skimmed).

This is a dumb elitist post (as opposed to an intelligent elitist post, those also exist) in the sense that plebs do not need to be conversant in music theory, history, or even to have good taste, to /simply like music/. Musical taste seems to be highly personal, however, and so some qualified version of the above along the lines of "most people don't like [your] music, where [your] can stand for anybody, your own personal band/music, your tastes etc.

I don't know what you consider spending your time on this earth wisely, but music can socially enrich your life, give you a meaningful hobby and be creative outlet through learning an instrument. Everything is a waste of time anyway because you're going to die and be forgotten without the universe caring what you did at all.

there are plenty of non-sentimental reasons his argument is bullshit not the least of them being it's completely redundant. you can say the same shit about any facet of culture that isn't directly biologically useful. Also music strengthens communication skills like emotional intelligence (this has been scientifically studied, i don't have a link for you tho) which given the ways our species creates elaborate social systems that allowed us to dominate the planet, I would say calling music "cheesecake" is not accurate as it clearly has evolutionary benefits.

Same reason some people don't care about TV, movies or vidya

I'm not super keen on the last two honestly

not really there social conventions marketing creating that promote those things to the point of ubiquity that don't exist for music.

I once met someone that HATED all music. HE said he preferred silence at all times.

Did you introduce him to John Cage?

>there social conventions marketing creating that promote those things to the point of ubiquity
can you try just a bit harder at getting your point across, esl-kun?

everyone is conditioned to sit in front of screens and watch that shit silently, comparatively nobody gets sat down and made to listen actively to music.

Someone with enough passion to stop option selecting and just make a choice. Fuck, I know I'm in no way equipped to choose just one artist out of hundreds I listen to who make radically different music that I like for different reasons, but that won't stop me from answering Astronautalis when asked who my favourite musician is.

Might be depression I guess, but frankly you need to buckle down and stop skipping media all the time, all you're doing is training your brain to get bored quickly. Conditioning yourself to have a short attention span and crave immediate gratification is no good, and way too easy to do with internet access. I should know, honestly, I have the same problem as you.

>skipping media
What do you mean?

I've noticed lately I can only enjoy music that fits my mood, which is usually just drone or something really atmospheric. I can't adjust to things now and that might be a bad sign. As far as real symptoms of depression though I don't have any.

Not to mention that the skillful composition and performance of music brings one fame, thereby attracting female interest.

I mean jumping to and fro different media leaving things unfinished. Think pausing an anime episode to refresh Sup Forums, or playing a couple of hours of a game, really enjoying it, then not touching it again. You see this problem all the time on Sup Forums, everyone talks about having massive backlogs but never ends up touching them because instant gratification is just more appealing in a base sense. It's why someone on Sup Forums might have 100 games installed on steam, but is just going to play the same online game because it's easier to put an hour in and be gratified than dedicate an unknown number of hours to a game you might not even enjoy.

It's pretty much the whole reason internet addiction is a thing, Sup Forums, reddit, a facebook feed, what-have-you is a constant updating stream of content which feels like information or entertainment, even though only a tiny part of it is informative or entertaining. This kind of instant gratification chasing favours consumer hobbies, and even there your taste is going to stagnate because you'll just end up consuming the same content that's in your comfort zone.

Because Death Grips put this crazy idea in my head that music should, generally speaking, be good

But it usually isn't so fuck all of it, basically

Yeah I'm the same way. I think its a time commitment thing. Like fuck pissing away 2 hours of my life I have shit to do I don't care how hot Jennifer Lawrence is fuck off.


I suppose that's a thing. My real problem is that I get a huge amount of anxiety whenever I listen to something I should be enjoying, so I listen to more and more obscure things just to lose that expectation. For instance I've been getting into drone lately, and I was actually upset by seeing people talk about Time Machines in a thread yesterday because now I have the expectation to feel something and like it. I can't look at it with indifference.

I think Sup Forums may have withered my patience a little, but I need it to a degree. I think once I land a busy job and have less free time, music might actually be more enjoyable since it's a nice change of pace.

When i first listened to music, it hit me just as powerfully as any drug. I was young so i'm speaking relatively but even so, it was the most blissful moment of my life up to that point.

The drug connection is important because indulging in something so powerful too carelessly can do serious damage to your psychological health. It's no different from addiction,, the psychological dependence is real.

Not liking music at all seems incomprehensible but i think most people who are derisive of it
are just being conscious of the potential danger.

No one thinks about the potential danger of media consumption anymore save politicians or parents. I'd say it's less about getting burnt out on something really powerful and more just naturally getting used to it. The first few movies I saw, I thought they were all 10/10, but that didn't lead me to start watching a ton and eventually losing my interest. I couldn't watch movies all the time, and yet nowadays I still don't like them. I'd say it's an age thing entirely.

yeah I DIDN'T mention it

>fast paced job
Man, it really does. Getting off tired focuses you
Ended up in me listening to exclusively stuff i already knew and knew i liked though so i had to quit

Take your gayming to Sup Forums

That's not how the music industry works

>everyone is conditioned to sit in front of screens and watch that shit silently

remember to wear your tin foil hat today?

Not even that poster, but you're in fucking denial if you don't believe it's true.

Less big brother, more corporate marketing. This is Anglophone culture.

you never in your life were brought to a movie theatre and made to sit in relative silence while you watched a screen?

you never had a substitute teacher play an educational film for the class?

you never have known people that watch tv on a daily basis that raise children?

now, how often does the same thing happen with music, where you are made to sit down and listen actively to music? not in a car over road noise and driving, not in the background of a restaurant, and not doing drugs, just a regular social situation where the main purpose is listening to music?

a concert is really the only time, and those are not so common as the above activities, and it's rare that people at concerts care about music anyway

>it's rare that people at concerts care about music anyway
Sorry to nitpick, but I think its more that people being taken to concerts don't care about the music being played, not that they don't care about music period.

And I think most people who go to concerts or do band as part of school don't like the music related with these activities. However, you could say the same thing about literature.

I think its just that with newer media like TV and movies more people like the classics since they were made more recently and so there has been less time for a cultural disconnect to develop.

Also, remember that Shakespeare was extremely popular when he was alive, to the point where critics viewed his works as ephemeral fluff for the masses, but nowadays his work is seen by normies as stuffy and intellectual. In reality, the passage of time just made it increasingly harder for the common person to fully grasp his work.

Whether it's true or not, this is a fascinating read. Great post user

this is relevant how the fuck?
Those people may 'like' music but they don't actually listen to it. The ones that do are a small minority. The band players are not even a big exception since most only listen during their practice and do the minimum. They all use music just like everyone else, in the background, and most of them don't listen to it at all, they literally don't hear it. That's why it's possible to make comedy sketches about pachabell's cannon being every song and shit. The average person only hears basically the vocals, hooks, or obvious musical events. The later for instance, could be a drum fill or something, they would notice when it happens, and the whole rest of the time they won't hear the drums at all.

im an audio engineer who is probably bias, but in my view the average person doesn't hear like 80 percent of anything. that's why they hear autechre and just call it noise, while jazz musicians hear breaks and melodies they can learn to play.

it's fucking depressing actually.

>They all use music just like everyone else,
to elaborate, these for every single band kid who actually goes home and listens to a jazz album, or any album, there are 2 dozen more that will never do so and just go home to play videogames and tv

Why is his name Ass?

>this is relevant how the fuck?
The main reason people don't get interested in music is that the music they are taught to study is old music, which may have been more popular and accessible at the time but is more difficult to enjoy today.

still not relevant most crackhead crackhead fucking a little dog people aren't taught to listen to music at all and besides that it's still not related to the discussion we are having about the cultural differences in how people are conditioned to consume different media. The isn't a culture anymore where people sit down and listen to music. It used to be an activity, now it's a background activity, like pooping while you look at a phone. The only people that actively listen to music today are either rare dweebs that fell into it by being alone and having internet access, musicians, or drug users.

I know a lot of people irl who are very into music. Just because people usually listen to music while doing other things doesn't mean they don't understand or like music, or that they don't sometimes listen to music with nothing else going on.

yes it does and my point still stands that people don't and that people don't listen when they do you are like a baby who hasn't understood

>yes it does
then we agree to disagree

i haven't disagreed with you, I explained how your point was irrelevant and you have failed