Sup Forums's biggest guilty pleasure?

Can we talk honestly about this album for a sec, memes aside?

Yes it's mainstream, yes it's radio music, yes most of it's fanbase are whiny teens.. but it's pretty retarded to hate on it just because of this.

There are just so many great tracks on here.

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Which one is your favorite?

that is not good pop music though. believe it or not Sup Forums does not hate things for being popular, it just happens that there is a correlation often times. here are examples of completely harmless pop music that Sup Forums would enjoy

Not sure about what my favorite. Not just this album but from all their stuff.. I've like:
>Tear In My Heart
>The Judge
>Ode To Sleep
>Holding On To You
>Car Radio
>Addict With A Pen

Is it not good because of some technicality of the music itself or just because a lot of people just don't like the sound of it?

I like it, there are a lot of pretensions lyrics sure, but I used to be a metalhead so bad lyrics don't phase me. It's a 7-8/10 for it's instrumentals, though I can see why most Sup Forumstants don't like it. Goner is a 10/10 closer and I wish they'd do more tracks like that in the future, unfortunately I get the feeling that they're just going to get poppier.

21 pilots entire dischography:
>some lame rapping
>a catchy chorus

When people say metal has bad lyrics like yeah try again, sweety xoxo

The black keys/Cage the elephant

I'm not saying that metal in general has bad lyrics, but there are a lot of band that were really good musically but weren't the best lyrically.

Sup Forums doesn't dislike it because it's popular, they dislike it because it's too generic. His "rapping" is nothing special, the hooks are simple at best, and nobody who appreciates music should care about lyrics at all. All the things that this album has appeal to teen girls, which while by itself isn't a bad thing, it just doesn't appeal to Sup Forums

besides some of the lyrics being silly, there are obvious attempts to try and be a bit artsy that just fail because they sound so out of place with the rest of the regular pop music in the album, like a small math rock-ish change in time signature that doesnt fit (happens in the first song), or just taking themselves too seriously with the silly lyrics and nexus preset tier synths. I really think this album would benefit from being more straight up cheese. Trying to fit many things into 1 song doesnt make a song with variety. Gotta remember that not only are things bigger than the sum of their parts, they are also different. 1 + 1 isnt 11, putting pop and artsy together isnt necessarily going to make something accessible but also deep.

I was just kidding, that song has some really retarded lyrics. even though i like metal, most metal lyrics are lame. Therefore metal isn't a lyric directed genre anyways, and if you're familiar with Ildjarn, you may say that they are irrelevant. Antti Boman from Demilich said he didn't even read lyrics, and Demilich has good ones. Metal is more about the structure and the feeling for me.

its not good
the 1975 shits on them

from someone who used to be obsessed with them pre blurry face this is why I liked them

emo just died mcr was gone no one was writing decent songs about depression guns for hands helped me through a lot and so did vessel in general it was a solid album to me at least

as to why I don't like them anymore is because I feel like they're sell outs and their fan base disgusts me and I feel like making music isn't fun for them anymore and not made for them but made for 13 y/o kids who think they're depressed because their bf of 2 weeks broke up with them

it sucks because I feel like vessel had some substance but at least half of blurry face is just catchy pop songs

this is guns for hands
the lyric
>And you swear to your parents,
>That it will never happen again
will probably be one of my favorite lyrics for a while


not my fault that sometimes it's catchy as fuck

>vessel had some substance
>rhymes fire with desire


>come on guys, it's not THAT bad. i-i swear
why does this shit album get shilled here so often?

you forgot the hilariously cheap sounding synths


personally, its lyrics + voice + style but mostly voice his rapping is so bad

> 8/8

unknown brother is a great fucking song

That song sucks, yeah. Not him, but there are some good songs on Vessel.
Most people just use it for b8.

Ok I am so fucking sick of this shit. You know for a fact Sup Forums would be behind this shit if the singer wasn't white.

you know, a lot of times when albums get memed on this site they end up being pretty good, but this is one of those rare occasions where I just have no idea why people love it so much.

jesus this post reads like a fucking youtube comment

It's better than Old Boots New Dirt at least

It's not that bad...

I mean, the lyrics are horrible, but it's not that bad...

uh, no? OBND actually succeeds at what it's trying to do. it's bro-down pop country that actually works, it's catchy and it's fun and it's hard to get mad at. blurryface is a mess that tries to be poppy and artsy at the same time and fails miserably.

>emo just died mcr was gone
Stopped reading right there. Neck yourself.

Gotta agree. OBND was a home run in it's own ballpark.

When your ballpark is the size of an ant's cock, it's not much of an accomplishment

To be honest, I sort of almost kind of like Stressed Out.

jesus christ

there's nothing "artsy" gluing together formulaic pop melodies, verses, and hooks.
>fail because they sound so out of place with the rest of the regular pop music in the album
it's all quirky pop music.

>math rock-ish change
breakbeat influenced pop .

The shitty lyrics and formula makes it clear that they're going for obvious commercial success for the tumblr crowd. With that in mind it's hard to believe that they're taking themselves too seriously.

>you're not hating them the way I want you to hate them
Fucking Sup Forums!

>memes aside

where do you think we are?

i really really enjoy Diplo-tier trap edm music. but i keep trying to believe that i like IDM and ambient and techno. listening to those three still makes me yawn.

>making trap beats in my head when daydreaming
>feel bad afterwards, like "why do i like this kind of music ? if not music then what is it that makes me better than these people around me that don't stop talking ?"